Bracket 2 - Public Review

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Bracket 2 - Public Review

by BLueSS » Sun Sep 02, 2007 11:05 pm

This is the thread for Bracket 2's Public Reviews

-Judge all of the files in the bracket.
-If your song is in the pack judging, make up a fake score and treat it like it was any other file. When compiling the score's I'll take it out secretly.
-6 Points are designated for STEPS, 4 for PRESENTATION.

The scores will be averaged. and multiplied by 3 before added to the judges' average after ROUND 3!
PR's are due the 15th of Sept. - I bumped it up a day.

Please don't forget to show love to files at the end of the alphabet.

Comments about songs or comments about PR's goes in the main Bracket 2 Download/Discussion Thread.
Last edited by BLueSS on Thu Sep 13, 2007 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Hainaut » Mon Sep 03, 2007 10:40 am


STEPS: (1.75/6)
Better than I expected, but still heavily flawed. It actually opens up pretty nicely, but it isn't long before it begins to follow everything directly in a rather awkward manner. Be more creative. Follow more than just the obvious melody and fit the flow of the music, much as you did at the start of the chart. Bad double-steps are all over the place, and the increase in difficulty later on was completely unnecessary.

Graphics are alright, though the background seems fairly random and bizarre. The cut is unnecessarily long, and the Oni chart is really just Heavy with some additional steps.

SCORE: (3.75/10)


STEPS: (1/6)
Well, I can appreciate your accurate placement, but this was just plain boring. Just about everything was karaoke, which I'm not surprised about considering it's to an accapella track that simply doesn't lend itself to enjoyable steps.

Horrendously early gap, extremely plain graphics.

SCORE: (2/10)


STEPS: (5.5/6)
I thought this chart played it a little too safe to earn a full rating, but I still thought it was great. Your steps flowed extremely well, and they still took some fair chances to be creative given the song they were assigned to. A very solid effort overall.

Graphics were simply excellent, and the video makes the file even more entertaining. Excellent incorperation.

SCORE: (9.5/10)


STEPS: (2/6)
It was alright, but too streamy and unplanned for the most part. The steps were repetitive and faced right far too much, and the lack of breaks caused it to drag after a while.

Not really a fan of the background, but the banner was excellent. The video was a neat addition, but wasn't quite onsync. It's also one of the weirdest things I've ever seen in my life; Santa Claus, an aged Abraham Lincoln, and Palpatine all in the same film?

SCORE: (5/10)


STEPS: (2.5/6)
Some areas (the opening especially) were actually quite fun to step to because of their focus and consistency. Still, this chart is far from perfect, with little placement variation and an annoying gimmick during the gunshots. There was one point early in the song in which the chaos made no sense at all. Honestly, this chart wasn't bad, but it got repetitive pretty quickly and needs slightly more careful planning in the positioning department.

Graphics are messy, and the background video seems offsync and low-quality. The song cut is too long, and the ending fadeout didn't seem to fit.

SCORE: (3.5/10)


STEPS: (2.25/6)
Well, they weren't horrible. The gallops fit the song, but they became completely repetitive after a while, and the crossovers didn't really add anything for the most part. I thought this chart needed more breaks. The 16ths added later on seemed awkward as well.

Graphics are not good at all (though they are at least funny), but I have no complaints about the mp3 or the song cut (I was tricked into thinking the song ended slightly sooner than it did, but it was still an appropriate length).

SCORE: (4.5/10)


STEPS: (5.5/6)
This was concise and very fun to step to. The chart fit the music excellently and kept my interest as it went. I think a few areas could've been slightly more creative (would've liked a few more breaks), but overall I really liked this! The POL'97 freezes were a great addition.

The graphics don't stick out amazingly, but I like the way they were set up (the animated banner was cute, although I was surprised not to find a background video as well). Everything's spot-on.

SCORE: (9.5/10)


STEPS: (5.75/6)
Lots of fun on the pad! Your steps had clear direction and fantastic placement from start to finish, and I can definitely say that I was interested for the most part. I think the verse started to drag slightly, but there wasn't necessarily too much to follow there beyond the vocals, so it's not a big deal. Still very creative and easily one of the best files in the pack!

Nothing to complain about here! The background video adds a lot to an already awesome package!

SCORE: (9.75/10)


STEPS: (5/6)
Great placement and construction, but there were certain points in the song where I thought you could've interpreted the music a little more effectively. I think the guitars in the background were too muted to follow most of the time, and I was a little disappointed when you decided not to address the thumping beat that began looping at measure 25 (I don't think the preceding section with the guitars should've been heavy on air; you should've saved the jumps for measure 25). Still, the chart flows very smoothly and still boasts a great deal of character.

The graphics look unique, but they're overshadowed in darkness. Nothing to criticize otherwise.

SCORE: (8.5/10)

To be updated...
Last edited by Hainaut on Mon Sep 10, 2007 7:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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by vjgyo » Mon Sep 03, 2007 4:37 pm

Why did you go away -
The steps were not thought out very well. I was wondering why I was holding random freeze notes and 8th streams that didn't belong. Very double-steppy and plain. I'm pondering if I liked the BPM change or not. It felt like it belonged but at the same time it wasn't 100% necessary.
The graphics looked like they took 2 seconds to make. Didn't fit well with the song.

tkO -
Overall the notes flowed nicely and fit the song. The gallops threw me off, mainly because I didn't feel they fit.
The background looks nice but looks as if it a stock image went through a couple of Photoshop filters and voila, the finished product.

The Game Of Love -
Let me be honest before I judge this song. The original version of this song sucks compared to the speed remix. I went into this thinking "Oh god, please don't let me listen to this horrid blasphemy of a song." Amazingly enough my feelings toward this entry by the end of the song changed.
Fun steps! They went nicely with the song. No surprises, no gimmicks. Easily one of the best charts thus far.
The video went with the song as did the background. Both were fitting.

Symbolic (Cryptex Mix) -
Interesting song choice. I'll go out on a limb and say you had a difficult time stepping the song because the middle of the song felt awkward. I say this because it doesn't sound like a DDR-worthy song... too mellow and trance-y. Otherwise, a decent, easier chart.
The background was simple and probably a little too simple. It doesn't seem like a lot of effort went into the graphics.

Spring -
For the most part the steps went well with the song. The freezes caught me offguard but the music did stop, so they did fit. The notes feel a bit lacking. You could have done a bit more than 8th note streams where you flop all over the place.
Good graphics. The background of the tree reminded me of something peaceful and calm.... until the hyper music starts. I dunno. Perhaps you could make the graphics fit a bit more next time :)

Satellite0201657483asdfasdf from Coded Arms -
OH GOD I hate you SO bad for picking this song because I can't pass the Another on IIDX! I'm only kidding -- this song is badass.
Heavy's chart was alright. The ending felt off and weird. I was saddened while playing the Challenge notes because they didn't go to anything. The 16th streams in weird spots and 16th note 'off-beat' steps were indeed VERY offbeat and didn't fit with the music.
The only thing I can say holding this entry up are the graphics and song choice.

Rocket (Dancing In The Moonlight) -
The music was catchy! No qualms about the notechart except for the excessive jumps. They were unnecissary.
Graphics were simple in a good way. Very fitting for the song.

Poodle -
I would have felt better if you had stepped Boom Boom Disco Night :< Poodle is one of Y&Co's worst songs. With that aside, the notes are great. The gap could be adjusted but I won't dock TOO much for that because it could be my computer.
The graphics were cute! How can you not have the poodle as the background for the song Poodle? Yay!

Onna Ni Sachi Are -
Weird... the banner is playing the video.... err. I like the song preview. It's way too catchy and why am I listening to it over and over? Err. Well, the notes were fun for a 7 footer on Heavy. No issues with them.
Cute background image! I noticed the video didn't seem to fit the song. The girls were mouthing "Baka" when there were no lyrics.

Cute overload whoah! The video and songchoice screams "Pretty please put me onto the next DDR mix". The notes could have been something more in the beginning but the end made up for it. Good entry.

NB Rangers -
Random BPM changes FOR THE LOSE. They did not belong. Same goes for the double stepping - there was too much of it for both the Heavy and Challenge and it got annoying fast.
The graphics were... okay. Nothing fancy but okay.

My Selene -
Finally somebody puts effort into their graphics! The notechart is fun but the beginning reminded me of some notecharts off American DDR exclusives --*ahem*-- lots of freeze arrows.

Love In Your Arms -
This song was hard to get into the mood to play. It sounded like a generic pop-rock tune teens would jam out to :< Good notes, just try to lay off the double stepping.
I like the graphics but am trying to figure out how they tie into the song. Hum. Overall I would say this sim is good but doesn't stand out enough.

Let's Get Rockin' -
Gammer and Sharkey YES. The notes felt like they didn't go to the song in some parts but there are worse step files out there. Heavy was good, Challenge relied heavily on 16th note streams. I'm not sure how well this would play on a pad but it would definitely be a challenge (getit?)
Graphics are alright and looked like they fit a song as hardstyle as this.

Lady Chopper -
I found the song boring and the steps predictable probably because this song screams "Saturday Night Love (Sana Remix)" =( They were an average 7 footer straight from DDR. What more can I say about it.
Yay another animated banner! The graphics were eyecatching and colorful.

Nobodyknows+ -
This could have been a great entry. The heavy notes were fun. The Challenge... well.... The chorus where the lyrics are "ENJOY!" the steps were off. What was it going to? I'm still scratching my head. I also don't think the two BPM changes needed to be in the song. Thirdly I'm wondering why the song was so slow... have you tried doubling the BPM? If doubling the BPM felt too fast (Brazillian Anthem to Tizona D'El Cid type of thing), then whatever but it felt way too slow.
The background image was weird but looks like it had a lot of time put into it.

Asian Kung-Fu Generation -
Where do I begin... I don't know. Tell me why I should rate such a generic J-rock song with generic run-of-the-mill steps and a generic background with text over it and I will go into more detail.

I've Got A Jar Of Dirt -
Wow... nice song XD The steps fit nicely with the song... but it was too gallopy. And kind of boring halfway through.
P.S. - Are the graphics serious?

Hold The Line -
Why so double steppy and insanely hard at the end? The steps weren't very fun. At least listening to the song was.
The text used fit with the background very well. It had that "I just graffiti'd ur wall" look.

Full-Consciousness Green -
omfg this song is D-Crew and this song is amazing. This is the only fun, moderately hard, good 9-footer notechart I have come across so far.
Brighter graphics could have been better as it makes the song more dreary and depressing than it should be. FU-CHAN + GOOD SONG = <3

Frontal Impact -
The preview clip was great. The graphics are great. When I started playing the stepchart... that wasn't so great. This could have been SO much more. An 8 footer? Felt like a 5, as it was really easy.

Down 4 My Niggaz -
Is this serious? I was watching the (humorous) video rather than paying attention to the notes. Jumping jackhammers, Batman!

Dashboard -
The background was done in 10 seconds wasn't it? Oh well. There was a video so I didn't have to see the bg for the entire song. The notechart was simple and easy. It went to the song perfectly.

Darling -
Decent steps. Great video (yay boyband! Hahah) I don't have any qualms with the song or steps but like a few other files, it's generic and doesn't stand out.

Caravan Of Love -
Dude are you for real? Boring chart. Graphics with words slapped over them. A horribly wrong gap. Case closed.

Amatsu Boss -
Stepmania was giving me a pop-up window saying the banner was the wrong dimension and wouldn't display it. Also, I don't like the fact that your song is one second from being 2:40, resulting it in a disqualification. It feels too long. The notes feel very amateur-ish. And the background (as the banner won't display) looks like you put no work into it. Sorry.

***(P.S. - Can I be honest about Batch 2 as a whole? I really only enjoyed Let's Get Rockin', The Game Of Love, Full-Consciousness Green, Ne~e, Onna Ni Sachi Are, and My Selene. Sorry.)

vjgyo out.
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by Raf » Mon Sep 03, 2007 8:50 pm

Amatsu Boss
This is really a shame because you picked such a nice song, but this is not Bemanistyle otherwise i would have given you full points regardless of how the steps are like. Anyway, there were freeze arrows everywhere of all different lengths, ITG style runs, and 16th note crossovers. It was all just one horrible package. It's quite obvious that this is one of your first simfiles.
One point for including artwork that fits the criteria. Next time get a background that actually looks like it's meant for DDR and not the end screen to another game.

Caravan of Love
Why would you step an a capella song? It just leaves you to step with the vocals leaving one boring minute of garbage. The gallop was unnecessary.
At least the text wasn't made in paint or something, but that's all you get points for.

These steps have Titiln written all over them. It's fun overall and very well compiled. Good work.
Very titiln-like graphics and nice video, although the video doesn't fade out to the background soon enough.

JUMPS EVERYWHERE!!! Sound the alarm! The part in the beginning with the up, down and then followed by a left/right jump was unnecessary. There was no beat at that point so it just did not make sense. The ending of the song was awkward.
Somewhat nice looking banner but the background was just gross. Video is a plus.

Down 4 my NIGGERS
This is obviously a joke entry. Why would you seriously pick a song like this. It makes me sad that Snoop would be in such a mediocre song. Hi there Mr. Copy and Mrs. Paste! I haven't seen you in a while! Jesus, this is such a boring file. Pay attention guys, this is where you bitch about jackhammers. 16th notes jackhammers??? Don't ever do it.
I don't see what cartman has to do with this song. there's a video and some nigga counting gimmick.

Wow, now that was fun! Perfect file. I like the corner jump to left and right during the chorus. Nice job!
Amazing graphics. This was the first song I played because of that.

Full-Consciousness Green
Not too much structure in this one. Lots of corner 8ths into left/right jumps. Not very fun at all.
Lots of rough text. I would have liked the banner more if the text was better.

Hold the Line
Don't be afraid to leave parts empty of arrows. There were hardly any breaks at all. Almost one whole constant stream throughout the entire song. The ending was also overly done. A few of those runs would have sufficed. There's no need to take advantage of every single one of them.
Graphics fit and aren't shabby. I'm saving 4 for the most amazing of graphics, but this one is decent.

I've Got a Jar of SHIT
I'm not going to give a serious review to a joke file. IT SUCKED. There's your review.
Horrible. Graphics made in MS paint. Die.

Kimi no Machi Made
I feel the Heavy steps lacked composure and I favor the Oni for this song, although I do not like the jump, step, jump, step, jumps.
Pink text on top of a flower. nuff said.

Kokoro Odoru
Ending was super awkward and I did not enjoy the large amount of step-jumps.
Very interesting and artsy graphics. Very out of the ordinary.

Lady Chopper
Superb skills are shining from this simulation! Great song and amazing steps work well for it. A perfect example of how double stepping can work wonders. Keep rockin'.
Nice and colorful images to accompany this happy song. Great work.

Let's Get Rockin'
There was a part in the beginning of the heavy chart that was pretty silent and used the same step patterns as the part where the beat kicks in. I just thought the silent part should have been toned down to build up to the beatdrop. Nothing too amazing in this chart and the oni was just too overdone.
Graphics are just gross. Not very appealing to look at.

Love in Your Arms
Very fun overall. There were some weird turns, but nothing too bad to discredit it as a horrible file. I liked the ending a lot.
Very nice. I like the artist logo a lot.

My Selene
This is a great chart, although there are a jillion freeze arrows in the beginning. I'm sure you could have cut down on at least two of them.
Nice and crisp graphics.

NB Rangers Returns
Did not enjoy at all. The massive BPM changes are not fun and don't follow anything really.
Looks nice but you didn't make it. It's two images slapped together in the BG.

Not bad steps here, but also not the most memorable steps either. No major problems though.
Banner is pretty blurry. I loved the video. I actually had to play this song twice because the first time I was too busy watching the cute girl.

Onna Ni Sachi Are
A fun and pretty simple file. Nothing bad worth mentioning. It's all good.
The text could be much nicer on the graphics. Nice video.

Steps are pretty much what anyone would have thought when hearing this song. Flow is ok. Nice cowbone, you are my lover.
Bland text. It would have worked better if the colors matched something in the video. Perhaps the colors of the poodle?

ROCKET (Dancing in the Moonlight)
Jumps, jackhammers, synth-based step patterns. Hello In the Groove. You're alive still? Die. this is a good song and you ruined it. Sorry.
Not bad graphics. that's all you've got going for you though.

Satellite something or other from coded arms
The oni steps flowed better than heavy. Oni has a very creative take on the song. I like.
Amazing graphics and video clips fit the song perfectly.

Well I'm not a big fan of stream. Not too much innovation going on here, although it is a speed song. At least you didn't go all synth crazy.
Jagged text.

Symbolic (Cryptex Mix)
A couple oddly placed turns here. Not much else to say other than that.
The banner is decent but I don't like the font and bevel. The BG was just hideous.

The Game of Love
Solid file. Nothing should be changed.
Pretty obvious aren't we? A picture of a game. A picture of people in love. Hmmmm....

Simply awesome! Minimal freeze arrows. Not many people can make charts that don't contain freezes. This file is perfect and a great song at that.
High quality graphics to the max. Crisp and mind blowing.

I like the circling steps at the "ON AND ON AND ON". There were a large number of whiteboying parts. A few is ok and can be accepted but there was one too many here.
Well it's obvious that you cut out the jun logo. Anyone can see that. Why can't all the text be as crisp as the TAHIRIH logo?
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by BLueSS » Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:00 am

Only 2 1/2 reviews so far? :P
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by Oni-91 » Fri Sep 07, 2007 11:54 am

BLueSS wrote:Only 2 1/2 reviews so far? :P

In the process of making one. Hold on...
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by Rainbow » Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:01 pm

Dear files at the end of the alphabet: I <3 U!!!
These reviews are best read with a huge :D in mind.

Why Did You Go Away ~Girl's Sight~ – Jun with Tahirih

Okay, let's start with positive comments. I like the graphics: they're simplistic, but at least they look nice. And then, you guessed it, let's look at your stepcharts. The biggest problem is that both 'Light' and 'Standard' start a whole measure too late, making the stepchart seem like just some randomly placed steps. If you fix it, though, then 'Standard' turns out to be an okay chart (technically okay, but not really fun for me). 'Light' seems a bit on the hard side for that difficulty, but that could just be me. The chart didn't really stand out; it just felt plain. It felt 'Heavy' really spins you around, but besides that it was mostly hard for me to find out what you were stepping to (there are very few small parts I do know what the steps are following, but still... could be better).

Steps: 2.8
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 6.8


'Light' was not really something special. In fact, it felt like most of the chart was uninspired. 'Standard', however, makes up for it; it is the best chart of this simfile. 'Heavy' was not that bad, either, but I don't think I understand your use of 16th-notes around here. Graphics look very nice.

Steps: 4.7
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 8.7

The Game Of Love – Jenny Rom

Very impressive simfile. I saw this song on the list, but didn't expect anything this good. I can be very short about the steps: I loved them (well, except for the gallops in 'Heavy'). Graphics look nice, and I see some bg-videos we already saw in the first bracket, but this time accompanied with even more! Lyrics are here as well, but WTF @ readme?!

Steps: 5.8
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 9.8

Symbolic (Cryptex Mix) – TaQ remixed by DM Ashura

I really wonder what it must have been like when you stepped this song. This song is so much trance that it doesn't have much of a "backbone" to step to. The steps, however, didn't turn out to be that bad, but mostly just uninspiring. Two charts are worth noting: 'Heavy' is excellent, and 'Challenge', which is probably meant to be a harder version of 'Heavy', felt very ITGish (you either love it or hate it). The banner looks very nice; too bad the background doesn't look like it.

Steps: 3.9
Presentation: 3.5
Total: 7.4

Spring (1st Movement) – Speed All Stars

I wasn't really sure what to think of the steps, until I read the readme. 'Heavy' is a stream-manifest, with some gallops in there. Unfortunately, nothing special going on there. The other charts worked well, but the biggest problem here is that the song cut makes it look very repetitive (yes, I know what the real song is like). Graphics look okay (text onto some pictures), but the banner and background don't really match. Too bad.

Steps: 3.6
Presentation: 3.5
Total: 7.1

Satellite020712 from 'Coded Arms' – Nekomata Master

Graphics are really nice, and look, there's a video as well :). 'Light' and 'Standard' are the best charts here. 'Heavy' flows nicely, but didn't really stand out. 'Challenge' tries to be like 'Heavy', but is extremely overloaded with chaos-steps (and many of them feel really off-beat); I didn't enjoy that chart much.

Steps: 3.5
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 7.5

Rocket (Dancing In The Moonlight) – Redwing

I'm guessing you spent most of the time working on 'Heavy', because 'Light' and 'Standard' feel so similar. 'Light' and 'Standard' are the best charts here, 'Heavy' tries just to throw in as much as possible, which is a pity, because it could have been a great chart if it wasn't so crammed as it is now. Graphics are okay, but does anyone even notice there are people in the background?

Steps: 3.5
Presentation: 3.0
Total: 6.5

Poodle – Y&Co.

I see two great charts and one not so great chart. The great charts are 'Light' and 'Standard'; I wouldn't change them. People interested in the most retarded use of holds in this contest, should take a look at measure 49 of 'Standard' (probably a error, but still). 'Heavy' is pretty streamy and I personally think it ruins the flow of the song a bit. Graphics, although simplistic, are very nice and fit perfectly.

Steps: 4.4
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 8.4

Onna Ni Sachi Are – Morning Musume

Very nice video and the background is nice as well. I don't have much to say because this simfile is really good, but if I have to point an "issue", then it would be that 'Light' is lacking (especially when compared to the brilliant 'Standard' and 'Heavy' charts) something to make it stand out, but it's okay as it is now. (Are other contestants reading this? Take a look at the readme; it's the best one I've seen here.)

Steps: 5.4
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 9.4

Ne~e? – Matsuura Aya

'Standard' is a great chart. 'Light' and 'Heavy' are a little less awesome, though. 'Light' just isn't very special and 'Heavy' also lacks that special punch to knock me off the pad and fail the song because of it ;) Graphics look nice, but aren't really that special (taken from the video, right?). Then again, the video is included as well and it's so <3

Steps: 5.0
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 9.0

NB Ranger Returns – Nien

I was probably better for me to read the readme before I tried the 'Challenge'-chart :). Anyway, after playing all charts I kept thinking the same thing over and over again, namely: DEAD END "GROOVE RADAR Special". I don't think I need to explain why, and I wouldn't be surprised if this sim would appear on a real DDR sometime. The massive BPM changes ruin the charts completely: they take away the fun it could have been if the song was on a fixed BPM (all hail the C-mods), even though the BPM changes are (somewhat) justified. Even when using C-mods, the charts aren't that great (spins and extremely quick steps a la Boss On Parade, for example). Graphics are a different story: they're nice, but you don't really show you did much of an effort (especially the background). Even though you may not be a graphic maestro, at least next time plan your stepcharts more carefully than you did this time. (By the way, did you try the steps on a pad yourself?)

Steps: 1.0
Presentation: 2.0
Total: 3.0

My Selene – Sonata Arctica

The song is perhaps a bit too long: now it seems to drag on and on for a while. The steps are very good, and the only thing I to remark is that the way 'Heavy' uses the same patterns over and over again is not that nice (more creativity, please?). 'Light' and 'Standard' may have the same problem, but they work well in those charts and it just doesn't work that well in 'Heavy'. Graphics are not the best, but they are pretty good. One more question, though: who/what is GARYsurvivor?

Steps: 4.2
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 8.2

Love In Your Arms – Eleventyseven

And the award for best banner goes to... exactly. That banner alone gives you a full score for Presentation, so let's have a look at the steps. The steps are... well, there are some good parts ('Heavy' measures 61-68 and the whole 'Standard'-chart) and some uninspiring or otherwise bad parts (pretty much everything else). In the end, this sim will probably end up being average, because it doesn't stand out in any way (except the banner...).

Steps: 3.0
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 7.0

Let's Get Rockin' – Gammer feat. Sharkey

Graphics probably fit, but are they aesthetically pleasing...? Me thinks not. I guess it's pretty obvious who did this, but if you're not the one I'm thinking of, then you're a real copycat. 'Light' is definitely not a 4, neither is 'Standard' a 6 (the stepcharts are much harder than you judged them). I think in the end mostly 'Standard' and 'Heavy' worked well, but the problem is that they feel so much alike; it's like both charts are the same (even though they're not). 'Light' doesn't really live up to its name: some parts are indeed easy, but many other parts are difficult and this imbalance ruins the flow of the chart. 'Challenge' is definitely a challenge, but I'm just not charmed by the way it turned out: too much use of gallops and 16th-notes in general, as it was too hard to find out what you were following.

Steps: 3.5
Presentation: 2.8
Total: 6.3

Lady☆Chopper – Sana

This is going to be a short review. Graphics are very nice and so is the video banner. About the steps, read your self-written readme again, because it's pretty much spot on (get a more inspired 'Light'-chart next time). And 'Standard' is indeed a pretty cool chart :)

Steps: 5.0
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 9.0

Kokoro Odoru – Nobodyknows+

I see a 'Light'-chart that didn't impress me that much (not great, but not bad either). 'Standard' is my favorite chart here. 'Heavy' just uses more step-jumps than is good for its own sake, and makes it a rather irritating chart. 'Challenge' takes a more creative approach; I like how the notes either follow the music or the vocals, but the transition between them is so subtle (if even noticeable), that it probably throws people off. Also, the step-jumps are here again, and they don't work here either. Graphics are very interesting. Not the best, though, but I definitely like what I'm seeing.

Steps: 3.3
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 7.3

Kimi No Machi Made – Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Genericness galore! I'm not talking about the song, by the way. The charts flow nicely, but I don't think I can even point out anything special about these charts: they don't stand out in this bracket of simfiles... at all (I see streams and regular steps that go to the music, but not anything special). The graphics are very nice, and I'll even accept the fact that the text is just slammed onto it.

Steps: 3.0
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 7.0

I've Got A Jar Of Dirt (remix) – NeonHurricane

'Light' is so uninspired, it's just a huge stream of 4th-notes, and the end doesn't fit with the rest of the chart. 'Standard' is much better, but then again, not really innovative, eh? 'Heavy' is ridiculously gallopy ('t Smidje used them in a more reasonable way), and the part of the chart between the two stops feels awkward. Graphics are... well, surely obvious. Banner is pretty plain (Comic Sans, right?) and the background is simple as well. However, banner and background don't match.

Steps: 2.8
Presentation: 2.5
Total: 5.3

Hold The Line – Cho PD & B.E.G.

'Light' was not that bad, although at some points it felt like you could have used more creative patterns instead of the usual routine. Measures 46-49 definitely don't fit in. 'Standard' was very good, I like it. 'Heavy' is just one huge stream, I don't see why you stuffed the chart full with arrows. And the last part of the chart (once again) doesn't fit at all (the 16th-notes streams, remember?). Graphics are very nice.

Steps: 3.4
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 7.4

Full-Consciousness Green – D-Crew

Graphics, well... I like the background better than the banner. There aren't any real similarities between them, which is a pity, but in general, they're okay. 'Light'-chart feels very uninspired, 'Standard' also seems to lack some creativity, but at least it's fun to play. 'Heavy', however, is nothing more then a collection of streams, and doesn't deliver anything special. Next time, bring out the most creative charts you can think of (by which I don't mean ITG-madness, of course...)

Steps: 3.2
Presentation: 3.0
Total: 6.2

Frontal Impact – Daniel

(How good of Mr. Sweatshirt to divide the eurobeat sims equally between the two brackets...) The graphics are very nice; even simplistic graphics work well. The stepcharts were very fun, but the way 'Standard' varies in step patterns made me wonder whether you intended to do so or if you just threw in patterns at random (judging from your readme, I think it's the first one).

Steps: 5.3
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 9.3

Down 4 My N's – Snoop Dogg feat. C-Murder & Mr. Magic

This song is just so wrong... I don't even know where to start. Okay, graphics first. They're fairly okay. The text looks nice, as well as the banner. The bg-video on the other hand could be of much better quality. Besides that, why is Cartman even there?! I like how Count Count appears at the end and the N-counter will only make people realize what a stupid song this is. Really, we hear N 45 times... what do you mean by 'not creative'? Speaking of which, your stepcharts are also not creative at all. The same pattern pops up for a few measures, then followed by another one, and so on. Until you start to use 16ths, cause that's where you go completely nuts and it's hard to tell what you're following. Also, given the song's length and speed, you shouldn't be surprised this song seems to drag on eternally. And the jump session in 'Heavy' is not done (you know which one). Advice for next time: throw in the most creative (and sensible!) charts you can think of (by which I don't mean ITG-madness), and perhaps find a song more suitable for a game like this as well.

Steps: 1.2
Presentation: 2.0
Total: 3.2

Dashboard – Modest Mouse

I see a very nice banner, a not so impressive background, but you do have a video... quality could be better, though. I like 'Light' a lot, although very simple, it works really well. 'Standard' tries the same, but the chart mainly screams 'uninspired', which is a pity. 'Heavy' is not that great. It uses 16th-notes at awkward places (regarding the flow in general) and the rest of the chart is too streamy considering the flow of the song (again, this is how I think of the song).

Steps: 3.3
Presentation: 3.5
Total: 6.8

Darling – V6

Aaaah! Seriously, what is this... the 'pop & rock'-bracket? Well, never mind about that. Graphics are very nice, maybe the background is ugly, but there's a very nice video to make up for it. The steps are truly amazing. I don't think I have ever enjoyed crossovers as much as in the 'Heavy'-chart. The only thing that I didn't like is the use of the same pattern of steps before the second chorus in 'Light', but that's about the only bad thing I can think of.

Steps: 5.8
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 9.8

Caravan Of Love – The Housemartins

This one is hard to review. On the one hand the steps aren't all that bad. On the other hand, this is nothing more than karaoke stepping, but yeah, it's a capella, so this shouldn't be much of a surprise. Let's forget about the song for now. Main problem with the steps is that they are so repetitive: you can definitely see the same type of patterns appearing every now and then. Eventually, it just gets boring (remember, I'm just talking about the steps here). Graphics look very nice, although this was not quite the "Caravan Of Love" I was expecting...

Steps: 2.0
Presentation: 4.0
Total: 6.0 (definitely not the Markov chain you were talking about...)

Amatsu Boss – Lisa-Rec

Very long song... check. Song that doesn't offer much variation musically... check. Charts that were obviously copied and slightly altered... check. Ehm... do you still have any points left? Oh wait, the graphics are pretty nice for what they are... even though you didn't do them all by yourself. Also, the banner and background don't match in any way. Next time, throw all your effort into your steps... probably anything that could go wrong, went wrong here.

Steps: 0.0 (you shouldn't be surprised...)
Presentation: 2.0
Total: 2.0

This bracket's average is: 7.1

If you disagree with me, you could either ask me for further comments (don't break the 'anonymous rule', though) or just keep me on your bitch list, so you can tell the whole world you hate me once the tournament is over.
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by TakeWalker » Mon Sep 10, 2007 4:59 pm

Officially done. I'm sorry if I got a little rushed in feedback; if you need anything clarified, just ask.

Amatsu Boss
STEPS: 1/6
The Heavy chart is very poorly made. Too much attention is paid to the melody and flourishes, and not enough to the beat, which would have made the chart more danceable. This is yet another mediocre-at-best video game song with too many freezes, jarring triples, and absolutely retarded and unnecessary 16th runs. There's a reason I shut off auto-fail when I play these. Rating: .5/3. Oni is marginally better; the opening has the beat-centric triples that make this more of a dance chart than Feetmania. There is still too much attention paid to flourishes in the song, on top of very confusing freeze sections. To be honest, this just feels like Heavy with some extra steps, not enough of a difference to warrant it being a separate chart. You need to pay more consideration to foot placement, because some of your patterns are just bizarre. Rating: .5/3.
PRESENTATION: 1/4 Poor. More attention should have been paid to technical aspects of the graphics (since the base images were presumably from some kind of game). The banner is all squished together and makes me feel like I'm missing some of it (I'm not, it's just a feeling). The title on the background is comparatively miniscule, not to mention completely blocked by my target arrows. It doesn't feel to me like you spent any real time or effort on this simfile, especially given the Long version designation.
TOTAL: 2/10

Caravan of Love
STEPS: 2/6
Haphazard and uninspiring, like arrows were just tossed out at the screen to sort of fit the vocals. It doesn't help that the GAP was off for me, even after accounting for the proper BPM changes. I'll whine LOWBPM2EZ on this, though I was a little surprised by the big gaps in the middle, for the dual freeze patterns.
PRESENTATION: 2.5/4 The background amused me somewhat. The graphics are decent, but... Y'know, I've considered stepping a capella songs before. I think it's doable; this one in particular actually has a distinguishable beat, which is a typical failing point of the genre in regards to dance steps. But I've learned something very important, I think, which I will keep in mind should I ever attempt this on my own: make sure the song is louder than the dancer performing jumps.
TOTAL: 4.5/10

STEPS: 3.5/6
Not exciting in any way, but neither are they boring. These definitely feel like the steps of a practiced simfiler.
PRESENTATION: 3/4 The banner is a little plain, the background doesn't quite work, but the video is very high quality. Also, I HERD OV DEEZ GIEZ DEY MAED TEH INOO YAWSHA SONG LOLOLOL
TOTAL: 6.5/10

STEPS: 2.5/6
The ending is... weird. I mean, it felt like an interlude and I was very surprised to see everything just end. Otherwise, the steps are pretty average. The 16th artifices don't add anything to the chart. I just didn't like it that much, I didn't find it interesting at all.
PRESENTATION: 3/4 The background is plain, plain, plain, though the text is pretty awesome. I wish you'd used the same effects on the banner text to unify them. I also wish I could see the subtitles of the video; I only noticed them about halfway through.
TOTAL: 5.5/10

Down 4 My Words That White People Are Not Allowed to Say
STEPS: 2/6
The first half or so, I did feel like any of those 16ths were actually following something in the song. I mean, I'm all for dancing to music instead of just stomping along with it, but if you're going to do something that unusual, it had better be for a good reason. (I sound like a total hypocrite lol.) The literal machinegun chain of jumps was awful.
PRESENTATION: 2/4 Made of lolz. The readme is a little over the top. The graphics aren't really that great, but at least the background works with the video. Although what's with all the South Park Sesame Street shit? Seriously. I am not down for your n... African Americans.
TOTAL: 4/10

Frontal Impact
STEPS: 4.5/6
Wait, why is the ending extended beyond where it should have ended? D: Oh hell, it's Harmony all over again! The opening is just a little bit of a light touch, but I love what you did with that first bounce set. I wish you'd repeated it, because I've never quite seen that before and I loved it. As in, it would have made the whole chart for me, ending notwithstanding, had you put two of those in because it was just that sweet. Steps are energetic and varied, highly enjoyable, and a definite favorite.
PRESENTATION: 2.5/4 The graphics are what I've come to expect from Eurobeat files, though not the greatest made. I'm docking you serious points for the song edit, though, becuase... That ending is just so light, it really destroys the energy set up in the rest of the song. It's a real disappointment.
TOTAL: 7/10

Full-Consciousness Green
STEPS: 2/6
This would be really boring if not for that speed-up. The slow section is extremely repetitive. The fast section, ironically, just has a lot of flaws. I hate double-tapping and doing 16ths at that great a speed. Overall, didn't like it, hands down.
PRESENTATION: 2.5/4 Graphics are a little painful, especially the banner. Background makes me go "wtf?" Song is weird. Overall, this feels a little amateurish, though I guess that's just what happens when you go back to simfiling after a long hiatus. So, half a point for effort.
TOTAL: 4.5/10

Hold the Line
STEPS: 4/6
I feel some tribute here to the jump-heavy Korean mix songs, though I think you should have left it at that. The 16ths don't fit or work at ALL, and I can't even read the ending streams. The 8th streams I have to give you credit for, though. Very fun, lots of interesting twists, and kept the file moving. The repeated cross-jumps were a wonderful artifice and lent a lot of character to the chart. Except for the end, I really liked this a lot.
PRESENTATION: 3.5/4 Graphics are very nicely made, good quality, nothing too fancy.
TOTAL: 7.5/10

I've Got a Jar of Dirt
STEPS: 3/6
The gallops actually become fairly enjoyable once you just start stringing them together. Of course, I like gallops. There are a few awkward patterns, and the triples near the end don't exactly fit with the song, so they throw everything off.
PRESENTATION: 2/4 About what I would expect for a joke file. The song is a little annoying, but it's funnier than the other two jokes file songs I've heard so far. Wins the award for Best Joke File.
TOTAL: 5/10

Kimi no Machi Made
STEPS: 5.5/6
Oh man. I love the ending of Heavy. I love the long freeze sections, and the gaps are very artistic. This was surprising and phenomenal. Well-balanced, high variation. Too bad I have to split this score up between two charts, but we'll see how that goes. Rating: 3/3. Okay, the only thing I don't like about Oni is the strings of step-jumps. I don't feel they're very effective, and they make the sections they're in unecessarily complicated. If there hadn't been so many, I'd not have felt it necessary to take off for them. That being said, this is a stellar chart. Rating: 2.5/3.
PRESENTATION: 4/4 WE HAS A WINNAR. The graphics are amazing. You really put a lot of work into this file, and it's paid off.
TOTAL: 9.5/10

Kokoro Odoru
STEPS: 4.5/6
Heavy has a lot of a character. A lot. Not everything works, however; I specifically don't like the long jump-step chains, or the solitary jump pairs, which slow the chart down. The section right after the first slowdown is a bit, well, slow also. This is a fairly high-quality chart, however (I liked the jump-step-gallop patterns!), with a lot of interesting rhythms. Rating: 2/3. Oni is thoroughly bizarre, but it's got as much character as Heavy and I think it really improves on a lot of the steps. The jump chain I didn't mind as much in this one, FWIW. Rating: 2.5/3.
PRESENTATION: 4/4 Those graphics put the "be" in "bee-zarre". I can't help but feel this is a high-quality file. The steps may not be my favorite, but it really feels like there was a lot of work put into this, like I'm experience something tremendous that I simply can't understand. I have no qualms about giving you a perfect score here.
TOTAL: 8.5/10

Lady Chopper
STEPS: 4.5/6
The steps are high quality and feel a lot like a Konami 7. In effect, this isn't very innovative, but it is highly enjoyable. The steps take no chances, but pull off a very fun and fitting dance experience.
PRESENTATION: 3.5/4 So wait, you got the disco ball from Lucky Star? O.o Where? Anyway, having that (very nice) animated banner made me disappointed that there was no video to go along with it. :( The disco ball was a good choice, though, since this is, well, very disco. "Lady Chopper" just makes me think of a misogynistic serial killer, FYI. c.c
TOTAL: 8/10

Let's Get Rockin'
STEPS: 3/6
Heavy for the most part lacks any amount of character. The streams are fun but sort of the same thing over and over. There's a part near the beginning where the beat cuts out, and the steps in that section don't work very well, I found them hard to follow. The long strings of 1-2-3's were odd, but not too horrible I suppose. This chart needs a bit more balance, the difficulty keeps ramping back up every now and then. Rating: 1.5/3. Oni is basically your average ITG chart. There are a few surprises, though, so it's all right. Rating: 1.5/3.
PRESENTATION: 3.5/4 Graphics are pretty good. Song just cuts off, so I have to wonder if it came from a nonstop mix or what. Since there's no info about that in the readme, I just have to assume it was an oversight on your part.
TOTAL: 6.5/10

Love in Your Arms
STEPS: 3/6
Not too surprising, though I did like most of your freezes, especially the double-tap parts near the end.
PRESENTATION: 3/4 The graphics are pretty good, some nice text effects.
TOTAL: 6/10

My Selene
STEPS: 3/6
This song is a real drag until it hits the chorus. Definitely not SA's best. I don't think you should have used any 16ths, beyond the 1-2-3s, until right at the end, which would have made for a nice consistent chart with a real bang finish. Looking at the groove radar before playing this, I was relieved to see there wasn't a chaos spike, as there tend to be for power metal files; however, I knew pretty much how the steps were going to turn out. I was close; there were some surprises, but I was close.
PRESENTATION: 2.5/4 Graphics are all right. Would have liked to see something more in the readme though.
TOTAL: 5.5/10

NB Rangers Returns
STEPS: 1/6
Okay. The stops? I'm okay with those, they add challenge. Not okay with the BPM doubling. The Heavy chart is ill put together. The steps are haphazard, often very difficult and awkward to pull off. The opening, after it speeds up, is highly repetitive, and the 16ths don't help. In all, a very poor chart. Rating: .5/3. I'm not even going to finish playing Oni. It takes everything wrong with Heavy and makes it worse. I can't give you a 0, because the chart exists, so I'll just ask, have you ever played DDR before? Rating: .5/3. I'm not touching the edit chart.
PRESENTATION: 2/4 The graphics aren't too bad, though I'd only consider the Power Ranger knock-offs fitting if this had anything to do with, say, Japan, or not-metal. I don't feel this is very well put together, and the song choice is bad, in the "does this work for a dancing game?" sense.
TOTAL: 3/10

STEPS: 5/6
I call this chart "tight". Honestly, it's very solid. The steps are enjoyable and fit the song well. The big ending run is a nice bang-up finish. Yeah, this is good, darnit!
PRESENTATION: 3.5/4 Unfortunately, I can't do anything but compare this to the Cheesemix version, which had the same graphics, same video, and so forth (except I don't recall the video making my Stepmania get all jaggy). Of course, everything's good, so...
TOTAL: 8.5/10

Onna ni Sachi Are
STEPS: 3.5/6
These steps rely far too much on karaoke, especially before you introduce the 16ths about halfway through. That makes for a very significant portion of this chart that I found to be uninteresting. More rhythm would have helped, is what I'm trying to say. The steps in the middle are the most interesting, but the regression to the end of the song again leaves something to be desired.
PRESENTATION: 4/4 A Morning Musume song that doesn't make me want to puke? Awesome! XD You know, I was only going to give you 3.5 on presentation: the graphics are good, the video is really nice quality and you made that video banner too, but overall it's not the "best" presentation, per se. Then I saw just how much goddamn detail you put into your readme. That, my friend, is something I like to see (but not all the time, please do not take this as a general statement of my desires x.x). Totally worth 4 points.
TOTAL: 7.5/10

STEPS: 4/6
Very fun. Not the best technical steps ever (a little too focused on the same rhythms, and altogether very simple), but hard not to enjoy, and that counts a lot to my opinion. I do love the little bounce at the end.
PRESENTATION: 4/4 Cute and irresistible.
TOTAL: 8/10

Rocket (Dancing in the Moonlight)
STEPS: 2.5/6
If I've learned anything by participating in simfile contests, it's don't put steps in sections without a strong beat. For sure, don't use jumps, and definitely don't use stream unless it fits a vocal or something. That being said, the opening and ending of this chart are very weak, because the steps don't really go to much. The middle needs some work; I mean, playing it on a keyboard is fun, lots of neat rhythms and you go back and forth between the jumps and chaos. The jump strings (outside the 1-2-3-jump streams) just don't work. But this is definitely an ITG chart. I wouldn't want to play it on foot.
PRESENTATION: 2/4 Fairly standard graphics, a little dark in the text. Not bad.
TOTAL: 5.5/10

STEPS: 4/6
Weird song choice, right up there with Leading Cyber in terms of... just... weird. That said, the song doesn't seem to present a lot to dance to, which is what makes Heavy feel very light. We'll see what Oni does. The ending of Heavy is fairly repetitive, too, and I kind of got lost at some point as to what, exactly, the rhythms were supposed to follow. Rating: 1.5/3. Oni is far better, a good example of taking minimal input and getting something worthwhile out of it. I can feel some of the less-annoying Cyber elements creeping into this, and I don't consider that a bad thing. There were one or two sections that didn't quite work, but there are also a number of sections that work far better than Heavy (the very quiet part in particular). I really do like this chart. Rating: 2.5/3.
PRESENTATION: 3.5/4 The videos chosen were good, as far as fitting the song; however, there are some definitely quality issues between individual components, so they don't present a real unified whole (i.e., the good-quality vids stand out an awful lot). Graphics are AWESOME. Good info in the readme, too.
TOTAL: 7.5/10

STEPS: 5/6
Whoo! Fun twisty streamfest, I like! Maybe a little more variation would have been nice, but you capture the song's energy early and hold it, giving just enough breaks to keep the chart playable. Definitely a favorite.
PRESENTATION: 2/4 Err... why isn't the "1st Movement" part on the banner? Or the background, now that I mention it? The graphics are pretty nice, and fit the song well, but the banner is a little... pink...
TOTAL: 7/10

Symbolic (Cryptex mix)
STEPS: 2.5/6
I hate to say it, but I never really like this until it got into the main Symbolic theme at the end. The single gallops were a nice touch, and the chart progresses decently well, but that opening just has nothing to go on. Rating: 1.5/3. Oni has some real problems. The opening this time around is very repetitive. The chart is very strikingly, at times, divided up into disparate sections. The bounces in the middle are fun, but do feel rather forced. The one-two-jumps have been done to death. There are a number of patterns that are just awkward and break the flow of the song. It's hard to compare the two charts, but... Rating: 1/3.
PRESENTATION: 1.5/4 Graphics are fairly basic, especially the background. Thanks for giving us a crappy cut of the song? I guess there's a reason this is one of the lesser simmed DM Ashura songs: there's little to step.
TOTAL: 4/10

The Game of Love
STEPS: 3.5/6
The ending really detracts from the rest of the chart; you should have cut the song off before the tingly bits. The opening was surprising, as were the gallops; both were welcome. The steps otherwise are a little too karaoke on the whole.
PRESENTATION: 3/4 Graphics are creative and fitting. Most of the videos worked well, except for those featuring the dancing characters. I've never seen those videos before; you really should have stuck to the flowers and hearts, though. I mean, really. Readme is sofa king, we todd did.
TOTAL: 6.5/10

STEPS: 4/6
Whoa, that was short. o.o I like the easy streams in the opening, but they leave the chart very top-heavy. The gallops were all very nice, but the rest of the streams are too light. I'd have liked to see some consistency on that note. Otherwise, fairly enjoyable and with a good bit of character.
PRESENTATION: 3.5/4 Cool graphics. Good work in this, I think.
TOTAL: 7.5/10

Why Did You Go Away
STEPS: 5/6
Wow. I'm really impressed. Like, my main complaint is that there's no transition into the chorus (you jump, jump and then it just sort of happens, and it's awkward). This is obviously done by a student from the school of Konami, and your skills are impressive. Way to keep on the beat and such, while throwing in enough variation to fit the vocals and keep things interesting!
PRESENTATION: 3/4 Decent graphics. Not much else to say.
TOTAL: 8/10

Favorites from this bracket:

Frontal Impact
Kimi no Machi Made
Kokoro Odoru
Lady Chopper
Why Did You Go Away
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