FINAL RESULTS & Authors Revealed!

Drunk Russians, drama with vegetables, and lots of approval voting!

by Lilina » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:38 pm

Dark Luke wrote:Look at how judge #2 treated my entry... :cry:

People seem to hate crossovers and advanced turns.

It's not exactly the fact that you used crossovers and advanced turns, but they didn't seem to go very well with the song they're in. Personally, I didn't think that song deserved those kinds of steps (at least, if used fairly often, which was the case).

It's almost as if you haven't gotten used to me in

@Lisek: Not the song, actually, but the steps. I like j-pop, but yeah, the steps weren't really anything to write home about.
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by hellrazor » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:14 pm

Where in the world can I get more simfiles by Chmurek??? Also I assume I'll pay out 1st and 4th, oh well whatever just PM BlueSS and he'll tell me what to do.
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by Super_Ray » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:35 pm

hellrazor wrote:Where in the world can I get more simfiles by Chmurek???

he entered a few ddrex competitions under the name "Cloud".
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by Xythar » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:47 pm

hellrazor wrote:Where in the world can I get more simfiles by Chmurek??? Also I assume I'll pay out 1st and 4th, oh well whatever just PM BlueSS and he'll tell me what to do.

He entered "I Am Cyberella" in Cheesemix 4 (and 1001 Arabian Nights I think...?)
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by Xythar » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:48 pm

By the way, you can redistribute my $20 among the other winners as you see fit.
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by Hainaut » Wed Sep 26, 2007 5:52 pm

My goodness, Zounder, your graphics have really improved! Darling seriously had some of the best graphics in the competition, he text you used looked as sleek as something an nDDRo author would design. Unless you got help from someone else, it sure sounds like you've been studying how to get better at that type of thing.
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by CoreyBlaze » Wed Sep 26, 2007 6:59 pm

Well, I'm sad that I couldn't be involved any further in this tournament, I just don't have time for this anymore, hopefully this shall change by the end of october when I plan to re-take my simfiling career in full force.

Honestly, I expected Good Bye to do MUCH better since it's an amazing song and the Expert steps are pretty much on par on what we see in DDR these days. Oh well, there's always Another Tournament :lol: .

Now seriously, congrats to the winners, congrats to the little 5-footer that could, congrats to everyone for making this possible. See ya all in winter best-mix!
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by Zounder » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:13 pm

#Infinity wrote:the text you used looked as sleek as something an nDDRo author would design.

That would be because an nDDRo member -did- design it. ;)

I started the graphics and was complaining to Juub on AIM about how terrible they were but was kind enough to help me with them. It was pretty much all his work, so a big thanks goes out to the Juubster.

Also, congrats to the winners! My favorite file by far in this competition was Lady Chopper, so good to see it placed high. Looks like I just missed out on the cash, but oh well, I am still happy with how I finished. I'm glad Darling was liked by many people, and I'm glad Juub could help me fool the community successfully!

One note that I couldn't mention during the contest:

The lyrics. Apparently, according to sanchny, they are way off, but I could find no better set of lyrics anywhere on the internet, so I did my best.

That's really the only comment I wanted to address.

I had been saving this file for awhile, and I'm kind of out of good stuff to step, but I'm sure I'll find something in time for the next contest.
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by will-i-am » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:30 pm

Yah, I was quite surprised when I saw Zounder's name up on 5th place for DARLING. I felt certain that an nDDRo like Ebisumaru made that, even though you too are an nDDRo member.

On the topic of nDDRo, I was stunned that only 4 nDDRo guys made it into the top 8: Ebisumaru, DGJ, Zounder, and myself, and only one actually won a prize. At least we ended up as a C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER (:wink:), earning places 4th through 7th. :D

A couple simfiles that suprised me by author, besides DARLING, were Caramelldansen and most definitely, TKO. I was very surprised, almost shocked, to find out that lrxevan made TKO. I was almost 100% sure that he made FRONTAL IMPACT, and even seing #Infinity's name there surprised me a bit.

On the flip side, I found some blantly obvious ones like METALLIC MIND, Onna ni Sachi Are, and Elysium. In fact, the minute I saw METALLIC MIND and Elysium's banner I automatically knew these two files belonged to them. Onna ni Sachi Are's animated banner and j-pop music gave away sanchny's identity just like that aswell.

BTW, did anyone find my entry at least a little obvious? I thought I left a whole lot of easy clues for anyone that was trying to find out who's entry was who's. First of all, my graphics were on the low quality, just like Together's, but my steps were graded very high, again, just like Together's. For my BoNG entry, V35, I also had bad graphics, but my steps made up for them. Another gimme should have been the fact that I, for the 3rd time in a row, submitted an entry with an artist featured in DDR. I also used the exact same artist title, or something very similar, that was used in DDR in the banner for all 3 of my entries. Furthermore, comparing with my Together entry, my song was about love, they both started with a "T" in the song wheel, I used DDR videos, and I added lyrics to both files. Whenever I talked about files in the competition in the forums, I very, very frequently used my simfile as an example (except when I used Spring as an example for one of my posts, just to hopefully throw off some guesses). All in all, I thought that most people wouldn't know that I made The Game of Love at first, but through these "hidden" clues, my file became a bit obvious.
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Re: FINAL RESULTS & Authors Revealed!

by Jezendar » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:25 pm

BLueSS wrote:I would also like to say that one vote is all that made the difference between the top 3 places. So if you wanted a song to win but didn't vote, oh well. :P

I'm glad I voted then, as I cast votes for both Vodka and Lady Chopper!

BLueSS wrote:BEFORE YOU ALL GO THOUGH, I'm not making you wait another full year before the next tournament here.
WINTER BEST-mix (still to be named)
Few Changes:
Judges - GONE.
Presentation Judging - Revamped, and properly implemented.
Approval Voting - Revamped, and definitely not as drawn out as it was here.
Anonymous entries - ?? Maybe, maybe not.

I'd appreciate any feedback you might have about the tournament, good or bad - BUT, if it's bad, you need to give a reason and what you would have liked to see instead.

The part that worries me the most is the line "Judges-GONE". As jammitch has already pointed out, the public reviews are typically based only on the Heavy and/or Challenge patterns, making Beginner through Standard meaningless. In addition, as we've seen here, some public reviewers will give a horrible grade to a file simply because they don't like one single aspect of it. Thus, I don't believe using public reviews only will result in a fair and accurate set of grades for a competition. So, now a question: Do you simply plan on dropping the concept of official judging completely from Winter Best-Mix, or do you plan to replace this with some new concept? And, if the latter, what might this concept be?

And speaking of official judging, looking only at those five judges who finished their reviews, I don't believe we suffered from the presence of "bad judges" here. Based on what I've seen both here and in DDREx competitions, Lilina is very strict, but still fair. As for DJ Potatoe, he did overstep his boundaries when he effectively decided to disqualify certain charts; something that apparently only BlueSS should have been doing. But the main problem there was the breakdown in communication between him and BlueSS. For this reason, I would suggest that the rules for future competitions include a section detailing how disqualifications are determined, and who exactly has the authority to perform them.

Overall, the main problem I saw with Best-Mix was the confusion over presentation grading, as this was not only a problem in its own right, but also the cause of a lot of the drama. Revamping this would indeed be wise. Personally, I like the idea that someone (will-i-am?) brought up a few weeks ago. This would be the suggestion to use two presentation scores, one for required elements (graphics, song cut, etc), and one for optional elements (videos, lyrics, Beginner/Challenge charts, etc), which would then be added together and reduced to 4 if the total exceeds that number.

will-i-am wrote:I was very surprised, almost shocked, to find out that lrxevan made TKO. I was almost 100% sure that he made FRONTAL IMPACT, and even seing #Infinity's name there surprised me a bit.

I had thought Frontal Impact was lrxevan's entry as well. So now I'm curious. #Infinity, did you actually try to disguise your work as lrxevan's, or is this just a coincidence?
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by Super_Ray » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:42 pm

For those of you who correctly pinned my entry on me (All The People In The World), what was it that made you think it was me?
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Re: FINAL RESULTS & Authors Revealed!

by BLueSS » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:56 pm

Jezendar wrote:So, now a question: Do you simply plan on dropping the concept of official judging completely from Winter Best-Mix, or do you plan to replace this with some new concept? And, if the latter, what might this concept be?

The scoring/judging system is going to be... changed for the winter tournament. While there will still be some sort of "judges", it will be something new, maybe experimental, but hopefully better for everyone in the end. The concept is still being discussed, so there is nothing to say about it yet. :)

But the main problem there was the breakdown in communication between him and BlueSS. For this reason, I would suggest that the rules for future competitions include a section detailing how disqualifications are determined, and who exactly has the authority to perform them.

There was communication; the communication just didn't work. :?

Overall, the main problem I saw with Best-Mix was the confusion over presentation grading, as this was not only a problem in its own right, but also the cause of a lot of the drama. Revamping this would indeed be wise.

Revamp is on its way. :wink:
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by Lisek » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:17 pm

I got an idea.
Maybe let public reviews judge heavy and challenge, and judges judge beginner, light and standard? :P
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by Trick Master Mint » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:21 pm

Lisek wrote:I got an idea.
Maybe let public reviews judge heavy and challenge, and judges judge beginner, light and standard? :P

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by DGJ » Wed Sep 26, 2007 9:25 pm

i liked the anonymous thing. it was done well and gave us another thing to look forward to (the reveal of the authors)
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