[FULL] First Round RESULTS

First time there's been a tie for first; and it's a three-way. :o

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by Krazy » Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:15 pm

So if the scores that me and LK4D4 gave our own files are ignored, won't it be somewhat obvious what files we made when you calculate the average? Not that I really care, just sayin.

I enjoyed doing the reviews I guess, and it's something I've never done before, but now I'm completely burnt out on DDR for at least another year probably. By the last 10 files or so it was really starting to be a hassle more than anything, especially with classes just starting, but I didn't want to quit 5/6 of the way through.
Last edited by Krazy on Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by BLueSS » Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:16 pm

MarsPhoenix wrote:Isn't judging supposed to give an idea of what people did right and wrong? Not just "cool! awesome!"

In a perfect world, yes.
In a BEST-mix world where judges are hard to get and people are busy, sometimes you get judging that isn't as specific as some want.

The judge obviously didn't find anything wrong with Twinkle Snow Powdery Snow. Different judges come to different conclusions about files, but sometimes when people are rushed, they don't have time to elaborate "I really enjoyed this pattern".

As my own personal note, had I been judging, I would have been hard pressed to find something to complain about the file, because I really enjoy it. Does saying "the patterns you used worked really good" add much more than "good file, will play again"? Not really. The judging is just fine, and I obviously allowed it. The file has already been dissected in other posts. If you don't think the file deserves to win, you don't have to vote for it in the finals.
Last edited by BLueSS on Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by BLueSS » Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:22 pm

Krazy wrote:So if the scores that me and LK4D4 gave our own files are ignored, won't it be somewhat obvious what files we made when you calculate the average? Not that I really care, just sayin.

Yes, and you have finally pointed out the only flaw with PR's and being able to judge your own bracket. You win a cookie. :)

I'm sorry to hear you're burnt out, but I very much appreciate the work you put into the reviews. I know the others here are thankful for them too, even if they complained when their song didn't score high enough. :)
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by Sir.Rendr » Mon Sep 08, 2008 7:26 pm

Krazy wrote:I enjoyed doing the reviews I guess, and it's something I've never done before, but now I'm completely burnt out on DDR for at least another year probably. By the last 10 files or so it was really starting to be a hassle more than anything, especially with classes just starting, but I didn't want to quit 5/6 of the way through.

Well, at least you know that there are people (points to self & BLueSS & anyone else) that are really thankful that you squezed in the time needed to do as extensive of a public review as you did. Everyone was tight on schedule this time around, but the few that actually reviewed to that much depth need to be appreciated.

Take this as your unofficial BEST-mix 2 recognition as a judge. :wink:
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by Zounder » Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:01 pm

Yes, thanks to all the judges and reviewers for their time and effort. :D
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by MarsPhoenix » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:21 pm

On a whole nother note, I thought tilt was for extra charts and such, not "I'D PLAY IT AGAIN"
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by Zounder » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:23 pm

MarsPhoenix wrote:On a whole nother note, I thought tilt was for extra charts and such, not "I'D PLAY IT AGAIN"

Rules clearly state the scorer can use tilt for whatever they like. Extra charts are a suggestion.
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by MarsPhoenix » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:26 pm

I give up. I honestly can't believe how little care about the low quality judging and the increasing vagueness and skewing of the rules. I just can't wrap my brain around it.
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by BLueSS » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:27 pm

Yeah... Tilt is going to be much more tightly narrowed down next tournament.
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by BLueSS » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:49 pm

MarsPhoenix wrote:I give up. I honestly can't believe how little care about the low quality judging and the increasing vagueness and skewing of the rules. I just can't wrap my brain around it.

Throughout the various tournaments I've had the opportunity to run, I have had some very tight rulesets, and some very loose ones; like this one.

On one level, there was a lot of vague issues that weren't handled well this tournament. Will those hopefully all be fixed for next time? I sure hope so.

On the other hand though, the former tournaments (when heavy rulesets were applied) would become more of a scientific "let's see what file followed the rules to the letter, and seemed the most Konami authentic." The discussions that took place were extremely boring, and were analytical breakdowns of the files, instead of looking back and saying "well, did I actually have fun playing this file?"

This tournament has not been the best introduction for the new people here to the site (or the tournaments I run). It seems like the majority of newcomers were expecting a very strict, very detailed tournament, and very precise methods for dissecting simfiles. Had the tournament been like that, I think more of the new people here, or old time authors visiting that haven't been in tournaments for a while may have enjoyed it better.

Not to mention that different people in the community like different structure formats. I don't think I've ever ran two consecutive tournaments entirely the same. I try to take feedback from the previous one (the last complaints, being that judges should be brought back) and make them work the next time. A lot of the attitudes that have been around this tournament have been really discouraging to me. Either one part didn't go as someone expected, so they're out of here; or people were a little abrasive to each other.

So I'm going to open it up for feedback in a new way. I recently came across a sort of bug-tracking/digg/reddit like combination that allows members to give feedback and make comments. It looks pretty cool, and so after the tournament is over I'll be opening that up.

But for the tournament to be a strict, very formulaic system (or something along those lines) wasn't the attempt of this tournament (to some of your discouragement).
If you guys want a tournament more structured and less opinion based - I'd be more than happy to give something like that.

I run these tournaments based off what the public wants, mixed with what I think will be fun ways of reaching what they want.

So if you didn't like it; throwing in the towel may work as a temp solution, but it will never be as good as working to make it better for everyone in the end.
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by BLueSS » Mon Sep 08, 2008 9:59 pm

Judge 3 wrote:Sorry I wasn't able to write a 10 page dissertation on why I enjoyed Twinkle Snow and other files. On the same token, I did try to give reasons I didn't enjoyed charts that I gave low grades to. They're not disserations, either, but I at least tried to give some sort of explanation. I know some of my details were kinda vague, but I was pressed for time and had other things to deal with. As for tilt, I wasn't entirely sure what to do with that, so I gave it out for overall enjoyment or how impressed I was with the overall product, more or less. Maybe I shouldn't have given out any tilt, but in the end, I think the same 3 files would have advanced, anyway. They clearly were the best in the bracket.
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by lrxevan » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:29 am

I definitely think that criticism is very, very important and you will never find me telling anyone to "shut up and accept it" per se or not express their views.

With that said, BLueSS works very hard while supporting these tournaments to make sure that everyone is having fun and that no one is unfairly treated.

I admit I was taken aback a little at the brevity of the judge comments. However, judging is very time-consuming work. The community has grown up a bit. Many of us are completing or have graduated college and how have real jobs or careers or are working at another part of their lives now. It was really easy to make a ton of stepfiles or judge a huge pack of them back when I was in high school but that time has come and gone.

I'm not asking for you to stop complaining or giving criticism but I am asking for a bit of perspective. If the comments continue to be as harsh or offensive as they have been we may take moderator action, something I've personally been avoiding.
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by creativename » Tue Sep 09, 2008 8:40 am

What's wrong with the file that appeals to the most people winning? It is anonymous, anyways... right?

Plus, it's only partial results, maybe there is more. :roll:

I was rooting for EGGMAN :P
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by BLueSS » Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:04 am


Unfortunately the judge I was waiting for was unable to finish. I spoke with them, and they got just as busy as everyone else. :?
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by DGJ » Tue Sep 09, 2008 11:25 am

lk4d4 completely boned WOW
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