Bracket 5 - Rating and Discussion

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Bracket 5 - Rating and Discussion

by BLueSS » Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:59 am

B4: 7 Files, 3 will move on to the next round.

Angel of the Moon
Everything's Magic
The Sun Always Shines on TV
This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

All ratings and discussion for these 7 files belongs in this thread.

Light: /5
Standard: /5
Heavy: /10
Presentation: /5
Tilt: +5 - Used for any reason, like extra charts or similar (This can only fill in points that the entrant missed in other areas!)

For a Grand Total of /25 Possible Points

If you do not judge the entire file (say you did just heavy and presentation), your judging will be worth less.
ALL JUDGING MUST HAVE FEEDBACK ON WHY IT WAS GIVEN THAT SCORE! Judging without feedback will NOT be counted in any situation, and the post will be deleted.

Entrants cannot review their own bracket!
Judging must be consistent for all the songs in the bracket! - All must have the same aspects reviewed.

If you think someone has given a file a bad score, call them out on it! Make some noise! :P
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by x0_000 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:48 pm

Oh dear, Crank Dat. Bwahahahaha.
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by DGJ » Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:37 pm

um, is the fallout boy song only supposed to have trick steps?
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by BLueSS » Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:42 pm

DGJ wrote:um, is the fallout boy song only supposed to have trick steps?

Yes, it is.

They are very special steps, but because of the lack of a complete file, it will not be able to make it to the next round.
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by Lisek » Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:43 pm

I said nothing.
Last edited by Lisek on Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Juub005 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:44 pm

I think that's what he meant, Lisek.
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by DGJ » Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:48 pm

oh it's a joke

now think about your dad
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by Spork! » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:36 pm

Bracket 5 -

Angel Of The Moon
First Opinion: Beautiful Piano song, good beat, beautiful Banner.

Light: 3/5 Went well with the music, No really obvious pattern abuse. Could have been harder though.

Standard: 3/5 VERY VERY difficult for a standard, especially a 6, and It did not flow very well in my eyes.

Heavy: 9/10 Very well done. I highly approved of the many shifting patterns and crossovers, however, I can't give it a 10, because the run in m48 just came out of nowhere, and although it fits, I find that runs such as that are really not very DDR-like, no matter what Konami thinks with their newer games.

Presentation: 4/5 Beautiful Banner, Beautiful Background.

Tilt: 1/5. Mid-Level readme, no doubles, video, or Beginner/oni.

TOTAL: 20/25

Final Statement: The standard hurt you the most, however, everything else made this a well done file. Keep it up.

Crank That (Soulja Boy)
First Opinion: How did I KNOW this was going to show up in this contest somehow? Nice Banner, good sample?

Light: 2/5 What the hell? 16ths, 24ths, and 8ths everywhere! Totally not a 4. I can see what you were aiming for, kinda.

Standard: 3/5 Better than the light, most definitely, but I could not get drawn into it more than to play it once to get it out of the way.

Heavy: 6/10 I may be generous with this, but the entire chart felt forced. Yes, most of it fits in, but I found it extremely difficult to enjoy.

Presentation: 4/5 Good Graphics, and a video.

Tilt: 4/5 Video (yes, I count videos in presentation and extras), GREAT readme (I actually read the entire thing, and now I feel bad for rating things so low). Doubles?!?! Yes, they are there :) Same with a Beginner.

TOTAL: 19/25

Final Statement: The song choice most definitely hurt you more than anything, however, I always enjoy even songs like this when done properly. You did what you could, and I applaud that. Keep it up :-D

Everything's Magic
First Opinion: Hmm. Kinda rock-ey, kinda emo-ey. I could see it work out :)

Light: 2/5 Repetitive as heck, and because of the speed, this may deserve a 4 instead of a 3. I think The BPM is wrong, because even with Autosync on, It kept having to readjust.

Standard: 3/5 Same problem as Light with the repetitive-ness, HOWEVER, I really like the direction the chorus went, so it gets the extra point. Still feels very offbeat.

Heavy: 6/10 A lot less repetitive, however, it felt like it didn't flow as it should, mostly due to the problem of not giving a single break. The Offbeatedness is very apparent with this many more steps.

Presentation: 2/5 Graphics are there, however, they look VERY rushed, is that just normal Times New Roman font over a background image/banner?

Tilt: 2/5 Good Readme and a beginner chart.

TOTAL: 15/25

Final Statement: I believe that the incorrect BPM is the biggest problem that this chart had. I'm very sure that if you had gotten it right first try, I would have given it a few more points. Something wrong when you have to constantly play with Autosync on though :-S

First Opinion: Hey look! A pump crossover! Decent Banner, good sample. Looking forwards to it.

Light: 4/5 I would have given this a 5/5, however, the freezes in the middle of 4th note streams made like, no sense to me. Oh, and it seems a little hard for a 3, but I'm weird like that. Overall well done though :-D

Standard: 3/5 Same as light, a couple freezes made no sense to me. However, it was a very well rounded standard, and I would consider playing it on my feet if I can get it on a SM machine :)

Heavy: 7/10 Should be an 8, not a 7 for one. I think I noticed a couple of forced double steps, however, This was very well done minus those 2 errors. I'd have given it an 8/10, though I got a little bored halfway through, which is kind of weird, since I make steps no harder than this most of the time.

Presentation: 3/5 Graphics and Video. Graphics seem a little bland though.

Tilt: 2/5 No readme or Doubles, Beginner chart and Video though.

TOTAL: 19/25

Final Statement: I think I may just be prejudiced since I have known the pump steps for a long time, but I dare you to fight it. Anyways, there isn't really a lot I can say here minus what I have already said.

Move Mania
First Opinion: Mmm.. I like this sample :-D Pretty Banner too, maybe a little overkill though :-O

Light: 3/5 Man, lots of 3/5 on light in this bracket :-O Anyways, This gets a 3 because I feel that it had a lot of things that did not belong. Extra jumps and freezes that really had no reason to be there, at least, IMHO.

Standard: 4/5 Hey, whattaya know! This would have gotten a 5/5, though the chart definitely had a couple measures that pushed it down a little, however, I REALLY like what you went for here :-D

Heavy: 7/10 I don't know what it is about this heavy, but it didn't draw me in. Now, Everything made perfect sense, I just didn;t feel it as well as I should have.

Presentation: 4/5 Beautiful Graphics, Great video. Lyrics.

Tilt: 3/5 Beginner Chart, Well done Readme, Video.

TOTAL: 21/25

Final Statement: Overall well done, to a point where I worry about my submission. Keep up the good work, I would love to see more of it in the next contest :-D

The Sun Always Shines On TV
First Opinion: Mmmm, sounds like 80's cheese indeed, and awesome. Like the banner too.

Light: 4/5 I REALLY like this light. Maybe a little repetitive, but in a good way, since you really can't do more with it.

Standard: 3/5 Everything fit, but it didn't flow as much as I felt it could have. I like what you did with the 16ths though, definitely A+ Material with them.

Heavy: 7/10 I enjoyed, though The first half was pretty bad with the karaoke. I like it a lot in the end though, you turned it from being a boring song into something that is pretty fun.

Presentation: 3/5 Great graphics, Yes, the Hottest Party font definitely makes it sexier somehow.

Tilt: 3/5 Readme. Full Doubles. Hooray. No beginner/Oni though.

TOTAL: 20/25

Final Statement: Increase the quality of the MP3, and we'll talk more. Other than that, Very well rounded file.

This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race
First Opinion: Full version AND only a standard chart?!?!

Light: 0/5 Not Here :-O

Standard: 5/5 OMG, This was like, freaking awesome. I am so playing this and memorizing the moves.

Heavy: 0/10 Not here :-O

Presentation: 1/5 I know this is a joke file, so I have to remove a couple points for it being so long :(

Tilt: 2/5 Lyrics and a Video :-O

TOTAL: 8/25

Final Statement: I <3 Whoever made this :-D

Move Mania
The Sun Always Shines on TV
Angel of The Moon
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by x0_000 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:40 pm

Next time the author should make the steps match the video for Arms Race. On a side note, I can safely say Crank That has the most creative doubles chart in the competition hands down.
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by cpubasic13 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:23 pm

I have never facepalmed so hard at a simfile with only a Standard in my life while laughing at it AND IT MAKING SENSE!

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by Lisek » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:25 pm

cpubasic13 wrote:I have never facepalmed so hard at a simfile with only a Standard in my life while laughing at it AND IT MAKING SENSE!


Yeah, really. Same here.
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by Valex » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:12 pm

I want This Ain't A Scene and Crank Dat to win based on their Standard and Heavy Double, respectively

I laughed! I cried! I failed! They were amazing and I hope they win
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by C Jota » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:21 pm

Why do people still try to step soulja boy XD
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by Sir.Rendr » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:49 pm


I am totally speechless...

This is the most fun I've ever had while playing a simfile pack, whether it be in a competition or just in your average everyday simfile pack.

Thanks, the both of you!
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by t7r » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:00 pm

The Soulja Boy one is kinda repetitive for my tastes.
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