Bracket 4 - Rating and Discussion

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Bracket 4 - Rating and Discussion

by BLueSS » Sun Mar 23, 2008 11:56 am

B4: 7 Files, 3 will move on to the next round.

Dazzlin Darlin
With your Smile

All ratings and discussion for these 7 files belongs in this thread.

Light: /5
Standard: /5
Heavy: /10
Presentation: /5
Tilt: +5 - Used for any reason, like extra charts or similar (This can only fill in points that the entrant missed in other areas!)

For a Grand Total of /25 Possible Points

If you do not judge the entire file (say you did just heavy and presentation), your judging will be worth less.
ALL JUDGING MUST HAVE FEEDBACK ON WHY IT WAS GIVEN THAT SCORE! Judging without feedback will NOT be counted in any situation, and the post will be deleted.

Entrants cannot review their own bracket!
Judging must be consistent for all the songs in the bracket! - All must have the same aspects reviewed.

If you think someone has given a file a bad score, call them out on it! Make some noise! :P
[I make the rules around here]
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by Spork! » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:49 pm

Artillery? Infected Mushroom? This better be what I think it is, because I was originally going to do that for this, but changed my mind xD

Yup, Almost the exact same cut I used to xD
Last edited by Spork! on Sun Mar 23, 2008 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Sir.Rendr » Sun Mar 23, 2008 12:54 pm

That doesn't give away anything at all.
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by x0_000 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:00 pm

Whoever made Artillery did a damn sexy job with the BPM tricks and bg changes.
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by Lisek » Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:53 pm

Light: Maybe a little too hard for 3 footer, but overall I see no problems here. 5/5
Standard: No errors here. 5/5
Heavy: I didn't liked the part after quick BPM change (the drill part). You can't guess where the notes will be starting. 9/10
Presentation: Proper cut, nice graphics, lyrics, cool video in background. 5/5
Tilt: Awesome BPM changes. +1

Light: It should have some holds, this song really asks for them. 4/5
Standard: No problems, good DDR 6 footer. 5/5
Heavy: Very fun steps. This chart makes Butterfly a good song! 10/10
Presentation: Clear cut, nice graphics, 4/5
Tilt: Nothing here.

Dazzlin Darlin [17/25]
Light: First jump is no-no for a 3 footer. I don't feel the flow in this chart. 2.5/5
Standard: Not really a 6 footer, more like 5 footer. But overall it looks ok. Flow could be better though. 3.5/5
Heavy: Well, some steps didn't really fit in, like first jump on 1/8th. Overall good chart, but you didn't use full potential of the song. 7/10
Presentation: There are some problems with GAP. After changing it to 1.021 (0.04 diffrence) it looks ok. Graphics are not the best ones, pink on pink. Nice video in BG though. 3/5
Tilt: Additional stepchart (Beginner) +0.5
Additional double stepcharts (Light, Heavy) +0.5

EE-AL-K [21/25]
Light: Well, you used 1/8th at the end, but not at the section which needed them (sec 59.35, 63.35 and etc.). 4/5
Standard: This looks like fixed light. Pretty boring. 4/5
Heavy: You used 1/16th, but in some places looks like you forgoten them. This could make fun chart but it is avarage. 7.5/10
Presentation: 4/5
Tilt: Additional stepchart (Beginner) +0.5
Additional double stepcharts (Light, Standard, Heavy) +1

evergreen [15/25]
Light: Boring. The start section is not good. Chart looks like 4 footer. 2.5/5
Standard: Flow is not right. Boring. 3/5
Heavy: Boring. Also too much 360* turns. Arrow placement is pretty not good. 5.5/10
Presentation: Cut is ok, but the graphics are really bad. 2.5/5
Tilt: Additional stepchart (Challenge) +0.5
Additional double stepcharts (Light, Standard, Heavy) +1

Fentanest [16/25]
Light: You should start light steps after the speedup part. Other than that chart is ok. 4/5
Standard: Nothing too special, pretty boring chart without flow. 2/5
Heavy: Hm. This looks like a mashup of DDR steps. So Deep, Tsugaru, Sakura. But even so, there are too many 360* turns on 160BPM, it's a little too hard for 9. Overall pretty fun chart. 7.5/10
Presentation: There are some problems with GAP. After changing it to 5.794 (0.04 diffrence) it looks ok. This text on BG (from DJMax) should be deleted. 2.5/5
Tilt: Nothing here.

With your Smile [24/25]
Light: No prbolems here. 5/5
Standard: Everything is ok. But those 1/8th arrows don't really fit in (too much blue sections for 5 footer). 4/5
Heavy: Fun, fun. Just one thing, those turns doesn't fit on 7 footer. 8.5/10
Presentation: No problems here. 5/5
Tilt: Additional stepchart (Beginner) +0.5
Additional double stepcharts (Light, Standard, Heavy) +1

1. ARTILLERY [25/25]
2. With your Smile [24/25]
4. EE-AL-K [21/25]
5. Dazzlin Darlin [17/25]
6. Fentanest [16/25]
7. evergreen [15/25]
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by cpubasic13 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:16 pm

My reviews will focus on more of the fun factor instead of being overly technical. If it is fun, it will get a high score and then I will nitpick on the small details, although they won't kill the score. If I don't find it fun I'll explain why and then rate the chart as it is made to be. After all, one can't find ALL the charts fun, right? :P

First thoughts: YES INFECTED MUSHROOM! I see BPM changes.

Light: 5/5
Simple and good. Enough content to keep players entertained while not being overly busy for those players to feel overwhelmed.

Standard: 5/5
Again, the right difficulty with the proper steps.

Heavy: 10/10
Hmm... fun. It was basically my idea for a stepchart to this (except with BPM changes) except I wasn't going to do the 16ths at the end like that, but hey I'm not complaining. It succeeded in doing what it did in a simple yet fun way while also being challenging enough to be a 9 and not cross Oni territory.

Presentation: 4/5
I dunno whether to dock points off or add them for using Final Audition Episodes 2-1 and 2-2's BGA. It made me chuckle so I won't do that, especially after seeing what was done. The simple effects were done via .avi, which sort of... makes me question it. I believe the same effects could have been done via .ini files similar to how Stepmania themes do some things, but I'm not going to dock points for that. My ONLY gripe is the way the background is at first being nothing but black, as that looks bad in themes that load the background first before anything (which I use often)...
But being a gimmick file, it did EXACTLY what it was supposed to do, and even if you were to redo it with a basic BPM I'd say keep this chart for submission in possible packs, as this chart could be used in a course as an Another (using Final Audition 2-1 BGAs, I say you know what an Another is).

No tilt points shall be awarded.

A great example of a simfile that is made for fun over perfection. Gimmicks make this chart good. Without them, this would basically be a safe chart and nothing more.

First thoughts: Oh no.

REVIEW SHALL CONTINUE LATER WHEN I AM DONE DOING THINGS! Also I need to try compressing my thoughts...
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by Spork! » Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:14 pm

Bracket 4 -

First Opinion: I originally intended on stepping this for the contest, however, I feel that you did a better job that me with the cut.

Light: 4/5 Only problem with this is that it should be a 4. Lots of jumps and BPM changes.

Standard: 4/5 Really good. You lost a point from the spot in the middle where everything dissapears though. Felt really weird there compared to all the other charts.

Heavy: 10/10 God damn do I love this chart. I'll be surprised if this doesn't place in the top 3 for the entire contest.

Presentation: 4/5 Great Graphics, Amazing Video.

Tilt: 2/5 No extra charts, Good Readme, Amazing Video.

TOTAL: 24/25

Final Statement: I love this. To a point where it's a little unhealthy. As well as everything else Infected Mushroom has ever made.

Butterfly (Delaction Remix)
First Opinion: Oh BOY, Butterfly. Good thing I know this from Pop'n Music. Decent Banner.

Light: 5/5 Lovin' It. Feels like a real light, Correct rating. I'm proud :-D

Standard: 4/5 Very good, great flow, but feels more like a Heavy Chart than a Standard.

Heavy: 10/10 Wow. I actually suddenly like Butterfly again. Thanks *glare*

Presentation: 3/5 Nice graphics, kinda plain, but they work VERY well.

Tilt: 1/5 Readme, but nothing else extra. Poo.

TOTAL: 23/25

Final Statement: Other than the standard, this was definitely an Epic file, considering it's Butterfly :-O

Dazzlin' Darlin
First Opinion: Yummy HHH. The banner is kinda difficult to read though.

Light: 4/5 Minus the 8th at the beginning, this was a very solid light chart. Bravo!

Standard: 3/5 No flow feeling coming from me. I just couldn't enjoy the file as much as I wanted to because of it :(

Heavy: 7/10 I couldn't feel the flow, though I knew everything went with the music. I suppose I may just be crazy though. Also, The beginning was deceptively easy.

Presentation: 3/5 If the graphics weren't so hard to read from the pink on pink, It would have a 4. Great video.

Tilt: 3/5 Readme (With Quiz, though I don't wanna answer em), Lyrics, and Video. Rock out. Doubles too, though no standard doubles :(

TOTAL: 20/25

Final Statement: I think the Video and Lyrics saved your ass, though this is a great song :)

First Opinion: Video banner, but how do you pronounce this?

Light: 4/5 The 8th at the very end killed my buzz. Sad times. Good chart though.

Standard: 4/5 A couple of 8th note gallops felt awkward, but other than that, really well done.

Heavy: 7/10 Haha, wow, this is like, a HUGE jump in difficulty from the standard. I'd love to give this full points, since it all makes sense, but it seems a little uncharacteristically hard comparably.

Presentation: 4/5 Great graphics, epic video.

Tilt: 3/5 Full doubles, Video, and Good readme :-D

TOTAL: 22/25

Final Statement: Wow, I didn't expect this great of a sim from this song, for serious. Good job :)

First Opinion: Pretty bad banner, but nice sample :)

Light: 2/5 Ok, This just had like, NO flow at all. Looks like it was just put together because you HAD to. Because of that though, it has little to no fun value :(

Standard: 3/5 A LOT better than Light, however, it was pretty bad until after the slowdown, when it picked up a bit, and the steps made a lot more sense.

Heavy: 6/10 Again, It didn't really get good after it picked up, even then it had it's moments.

Presentation: 1/5 Present graphics, not very good though :(

Tilt: 2/5 Challenge chart. Some Doubles.

TOTAL: 14/25

Final Statement: Well, it could have been worse. All I can say is that you tried, but kind of failed. It may have just been the song choice, I don't think this was quite the right choice for a DDR simfile.

First Opinion: Sounds beautiful :-D Nice banner too.

Light: 4/5 I actually really liked this chart. The beginning was just like the standard and Heavy though, just without as many 4ths.

Standard: 3/5 Way too many needless 8ths.

Heavy: 8/10 The jackhammers are what killed your score for me. Did they really have to be there? xD

Presentation: 3/5 Video and Graphics. Good ones too, though they remind me of DJ Max.

Tilt: 1/5 Video, though no readme or additional charts.

TOTAL: 19/25

Final Statement: I really liked the song, and the BPM changes. Keep it up man.

With Your Smile
First Opinion: J-Pop. Awesome *sweatdrop*

Light: 4/5 Pretty nice stepchart, I got really distracted iwth the video though :(

Standard: 5/5 Beautiful. Amazing. Good freaking job.

Heavy: 9/10 Nice too, Couldn't give it a 10 though for something i noticed but forgot already :(

Presentation: 3/5 Great graphics and a Video.

Tilt: 4/5 Beginner and Doubles charts, Readme/Video.

TOTAL: 25/25

Final Statement: You sir just got a perfect score off me. Good job. Seriously though, I usually dislike J-Pop, but this is the good kind, so I'll let it slide :)

With Your Smile
Butterfly (Delaction Remix)
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by Raf » Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:36 pm

This seems the be the bemani bracket so I'll do this one first. Hopefully we won't have the arguement of what presentation means again :[.

Light:5/5 A light player would totally not expect the BPM speed up and it's good that you keep the jumps the same in the beginning to get the player used to your pattern to know what's coming up.
Standard:4/5 Nice chart for standard players, but the issue is the disappearing arrows. I feel that this will confuse the hell out of a player and cause them to fail.
Heavy:9/10 Great patterns here. Everything was well structured and the BPM changes did not throw the file offsync. Very fun. There are points where the arrows are invisible due to negative BPMs I assume. I don't see why negative BPMs were even necessary.
Presentation:3/5 The displaybpm had me a little weary. Nice graphics and having a video is a plus. Looks like some of those videos are Jumpbacks.
Tilt: +1 For the video being tailored to the song (i.e. the beginning was a video that you made).
TOTAL: 22/25
Additional Comments: This song has been stepped before, so naturally if you must do it again I'm expecting to see a better file than what's been previously available. You've accomplished this. My only gripe is that if there are flaws in the main version of your simfile, don't submit that one as the default chart that loads up. Most people wouldn't even recognize there's another version or even know what to do with it. Good work overall.

Light:5/5 Works nicely. Rated properly.
Standard:5/5 Very solid chart. Fun and nothing obscure. Nice work.
Heavy:8/10 A decent chart for a pretty straightforward tune. Not much else you could have done there. I'm not too sure about the 16ths in bar 39.
Presentation:4/5 Looking pretty good, but I've seen others that stay true to the original. You can do better.
Tilt: +1 for including a nice looking CDtitle.
Additional Comments: Same as above. This is the third time I've seen this song in Stepmania so you gotta come better and prettier than before. This one is comparable to others. I wouldn't say that it is better, but it's not bad.

Dazzlin' Darlin'
Light:4/5 Still has the opening. Attention, there is no beat or melody there. No need for an arrow.
Standard:3/5 Has a little more structure than Heavy, but still retains that irritating opening step. Does not belong.
Heavy:2/10 My mood went from dazzled to disappointed at the first jump. It was just placed at a bad spot. In fact it shouldn't have been there. The steps should start when the beat kicked in. Overall, the steps are too simplistic for the song given and have no set pattern as most DDR charts do. It's just not fun. I'm not saying make it a 10 footer. I'm saying do better. This chart has no lasting impression and it's rated incorrectly. This is more of an easy and unenjoyable 7. Please revisit every simfile competition and take note of what the winning files did.
Presentation:2/5 An average set of graphics accompany an average simfile.
Additional Comments: This is the first song I played in this bracket. My favorite song on Troopers and I play it on there religiously. Although, this song is not suited for DDR. I'm not even sure how I would go about making this a solid file. The song has too many pauses. I would bet a large sum of money that this is Lilina's entry. She always steps the newest IIDX song regardless of whether it works for DDR or not. On top of that, the soundtrack hasn't come out yet so that means this is an audio ripped from the video which is very low quality. Contrary to what you may think, I enjoy 5 footers too as long as they are GOOD. Being easy for the sake of being easy is not the same thing. The 4 foot Morning Musume song from DDRExtreme's Late Night Love is still on my computer and I play it a lot. Unfortunately I cannot say the same for this file. Delete.

Light:3/5 Light charts never contain corner jumps. Also, why was this rated the same as standard?
Standard:5/5 Nice flow and nothing to complain about.
Heavy:9/10 Nice and mellow tune with appropriate steps. I enjoyed a lot.
Presentation:5/5 Amazing graphics. Finally, an animated banner that doesn't look like shit. Great work.
Tilt: +1 for including video

Light:4/5 Works, but it seemed like the standard chart with some removal and a slight change here and there. Or maybe it's the other way around.
Standard:4/5 Generally, 16th notes do not belong in standard charts unless the rhythm is blatantly obvious (see TSUGARU). You only had one outside of the slowdown so you may as well went without it.
Heavy:9/10 Pretty good chart you have right here. Fun.
Presentation:2/5 OK graphics. More could have been done to the text.
Additional Comments: I must ask why you felt the need that this song must be stepped before the OST came out. Now you have a file with a low quality mp3 or even worse a lineout :[. There are a jillion songs in the music industry. Don't limit yourself.

Light:3/5 Light charts never contain corner jumps.
Standard:5/5 Fun for it's difficulty.
Heavy:9/10 It's obvious that this is an ode to Xepher created by the Diverse guys. Even has the freeze arrow thing and you tap up a thousand times too. I'm sure everyone hated that and still hates that part. Aside from that, I enjoyed this chart.
Presentation:4/5 Spectacular execution. Good work.
Tilt: +1 for that sweet video

With your Smile
Light:5/5 A good example of the basics to a newcomer.
Standard:4/5 Could have used some variation on the three consecutive 8th note jumps in the chorus. They didn't have the be the exact same arrows EVERY time. Give it a little flavor.
Heavy:8/10 The beginning was a little too much for the song at that point. There was no beat and the steps were progressing like it was in the middle of the song already. Needs to start out slower.
Presentation:3/5 Nice banner, but the background is blurry. Try creating something on your own next time if a video frame looks bad.
Tilt: +1 for video
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by hellrazor » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:55 pm

So, do we all agree that the winner of Best Mix 1 is behind Artillery?

I almost deleted it just due to the -BPM's but I played it first, I have never EVER seen -BPM's used this tastefully... But alas SM 4.0 will still crap it up... And then I saw a .SM file for me, I love Chmurek ALOT!!
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by t7r » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:05 pm

What's with ARTILLERY's sudden disappearing of the chart?

Other than that, I like the BPM changes.

The first jump of Dazzlin' Darlin should've been taken off.
Heh, I wish I could ask permission from the author to use his video for my simfile. I have t3h Dai luv~

evergreen has a LOT of double-stepping, for me at least.
Last edited by t7r on Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Lisek » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:07 pm

tsugaru7reveng wrote:I thought only DDR-style steps are allowed. Well, yeah, steps... but flow? What's with ARTILLERY's sudden disappearing of the chart?

You are wrong. The only things which were not allowed were rolls, mines and hands. You could use everything, which StepMania 3.9 can take.
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by t7r » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:08 pm

Lisek wrote:
tsugaru7reveng wrote:I thought only DDR-style steps are allowed. Well, yeah, steps... but flow? What's with ARTILLERY's sudden disappearing of the chart?

You are wrong. The only things which were not allowed were rolls, mines and hands. You could use everything, which StepMania 3.9 can take.

Well, I kinda edited my post, hehe...
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by Sir.Rendr » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:36 pm

tsugaru7reveng wrote:I have t3h Dai luv~

Did you know that Dai's gay?

Woah... that just rhymed...
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by Oni-91 » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:38 pm

Sir.Rendr wrote:Did you know that Dai's gay?

Woah... that just rhymed...

Yes (T7R said about him revealing it over at BMS), and no, it didn't rhyme.
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by t7r » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:39 pm

Sir.Rendr wrote:
tsugaru7reveng wrote:I have t3h Dai luv~

Did you know that Dai's gay?

Woah... that just rhymed...

What rhymed? "Dai" is pronounced like "Die".

Also, see avatar.

Oni-91 wrote:
Sir.Rendr wrote:Did you know that Dai's gay?

Woah... that just rhymed...

Yes (T7R said about him revealing it over at BMS), and no, it didn't rhyme.

I may have revealed it in Bemanistyle (some more), but kannazuki first gave the info.
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