Now bare with me as I'm not as expressive when I critique about step charts.
Sure.. These are just thoughts notioning how I see things are and what I've had problems with them. Mostly, I'm judging on how comfortable I would dance to these sims (I'm sure most of you are, obviously). At times, I will also talk about some ideas I would like to comprehend to these sims. But mainly overall, everyone has done a great effort to this bracket, so I'm glad.
Anjelier ========
Light - 2.5/5
+ Nothing really to grasp on, other than saying it's pretty much average overall.
- Yeah a 2, I don't think so.
- There's not that much creativity on the steps, so that leaves another mark behind for me.
Standard - 3/5
+ Slightly better than light because I felt as if you were more engaged to add some spice to the chart than light.
- Awkward positionings.
- To me, it's fine if you double-step a single chart, just as long as you don't try to do it over and over again.
Heavy - 5.5/10
+ Nicely paced along with the rhythm.
+ At times the placing of the steps work, particularly the beginning.
- The downfall begins once those crazy freezes went out of nowhere.
- Weird freeze spins. AKA, facement.
Presentation - 4.5/5
+ Massive Read-Me.
+ Neatly stroked graphics.
+ Beginner.
+ Included random BGA.
Note: So I assume this song is about mothers, and it's cool to see how you presented random pictures of mothers to really capture what this song is about.
OVERALL TOTAL : 15.5/25 = 62%
Back 2 Back ===========
Light - 4/5
+ Simple, yet effective steps matched to the song.
- I just only needed some more pizzaz to these steps.
Standard - 5/5
+ Wow, I haven't played such a fun standard chart in ages.
+ I really love how those steps apprehended to the lyrics.
Heavy - 9.75/10
+ Solid steps, strong placement.
- The only thing I would love to see is a bit of variety, but let's consider the steps already fit for what it is worth with the song.
Presentation - 4.5/5
+ Clear graphics, very professional. I love how the font matches the title of the song.
+ Challenge, couple, AAAND.. beginner.
OVERALL TOTAL : 23.25/25 = 93%
Barbie Girl===========
Light - 3/5
- Starts to get lazy after on I felt.
- 8ths, nonono.
Standard - 4/5
+ Very fun.
- Inconsistent patterns, but it's no biggie.
Heavy - 7.25/10
+ Wide range of different patterns the whole way through.
- The steps were a bit overline repetitiveness at times.
- Would've love to see some bits of moderate paced steps during the chorus (ie. a slight mix of karaoke patterns mixed with whatever steps but more simplified), rather than keeping the rhythm up with some crossovers and streams just so it fits what a definite 7-footer could be. **Please remember these are just only my personal opinions**
Presentation - 4.75/5
+ Music video.
+ Alternative steps.
+ Lyrics.
- Graphics needs a little more work.
Note: I would've loved it more if you kept the mp3 in a more shorter-length.
OVERALL TOTAL : 19/25 = 76%
BATTLE FUNKASTIC================
Light - 5/5
Standard - 3.75/5
+ Nice transitions between how the karaoke steps swifted along with those other patterns you made.
- Too many breaks.
Heavy - 7.5/10
+ I do like the fact this chart has some sort of relativity from the SuperNOVA version, which is cool.
- Needs more breakthrough IMO.
Presentation - 3/5
- Graphics seem a bit too sharp for me. If I had a chance to remask the entire thing, I would just leave it as it is and just add a bit of stroke on all of the fonts based on the banner itself.
+ I think those fonts were some sort of inspiration to anime fonts, so that's a plus suiting how it's a certain theme.
OVERALL TOTAL : 19.25/25 = 77%
Come Back To Me (Remix)=======================
Light - 3.5/5
+ Good effort.
- Some great ideas, but I wasn't too convinced enough to enjoy them rather.
Standard - 4.5/5
+ Seems pretty fun. Especially how those jumps are throwed there.
+ The ending strangely reminds me of 'Look to the Sky' with those cross jumps and that familiar sound effect..
Heavy - 8/10
+ Polished steps.
+ Lots of different placing postitions, which I'd love to see.
- Nothing stellar, but it's solid.
Presentation - 3.75/5
+ Clean, nicely presented detailed graphics.
+ Extra CD-Title.
OVERALL TOTAL : 19.75/25 = 79%
Light - 4/5
+ Decent.
Standard - 4.75/5
+ Great quality of steps.
Heavy - 9/10
+ Surprisingly, I found this an excellent boss chart that can really test how well you can do on jumps, streams, chaos, and freezes all clamped together given with a doze of extreme BPM.
+ If this were an actual DDR boss song added with this chart, I would definitely play this occasionally (and most likely I won't play any boss levels on any DDR console, except for On The Break haha).
- There were so many tricky streams that I can't even notice if they were on point or not.
Presentation - 4.75/5
+ Lovely graphics, very Wipeout reminiscent (main one).
+ Added a ton more, which are all really great.
+ Doubles.
OVERALL TOTAL : 22.5/25 = 90%
Kokoro no Tamago (Shugo Chara!)===============================
Light - 4.75/5
- Not feeling those jumps near the ending.
Standard - 3.5/5
+ Good.
- The only thing that bugged me was the refrain before the chorus. Those steps felt like they should be changed into 16ths (the one where it double taps)
Heavy - 6.25/10
- The beginning needs some more thump into them and not just playing safe by using those inexcusable streams.
+ Once the beginning went away, it progressively started to get better with those 16th notes jumped in to break the streams.
- Then it started to get dull.. Again, during the chorus as you consistently used those RDLD related patterns.
+/- This sim particularly was a rollercoaster for me; it went from bad to good then bad to good. But in the end, I felt as if the chart was above average and nothing else.
Presentation - 4/5
+ All requirements included.
+ Music Video.
- It would've been more fine if those graphics were more colorful, since anime has always been... Colorful. (Maybe except for those vampire ones..)
OVERALL TOTAL : 18.50/25 = 74%
Like This=========
Light - 2/5
- Feels rushed. You didn't quite executed those steps.
Standard - 3/5
+ Steps suited well along with the song.
- I didn't like the 'body movin' part where you included those jumps. They just didn't felt right.
- It wasn't that exciting, but fairly good.
Heavy - 8/10
+ It feels really similar to the wonderous 'Pump Up The Volume,' (with the vocal samples, the karaoke steps, blahbalhblah) but more longer.. -_-
+ Unique arrangements, especially the chaos steps were executed here nicely.
- The chorus structure needs a bit more work in terms of placing because after I played this, well I really didn't remember what exactly happened and that's the problem. There needs to be some sort of spark that will convince me to raise the score up to par with the better sims if you would've worked better with that part. But the steps I enjoyed overall and they're really good.
Presentation - 2.5/5
- Your graphics fell flat; not to be a total brute, this wasn't the worst graphics appeared in this pack.
+ The only reason why these graphics were fair was that you chose a background that is so dark, that is doesn't need any more adjustments to show its rough spots, simply because there aren't any. Also, you chose a font that effects the mood of the image. (Clubland font(?) + rave = theme) So good for you wise guy.
OVERALL TOTAL : 15.5/25 = 62%
Light - 2/5
- A lot of repetitive moments. Steps could've been polished more.
Standard - 4.5/5
+ It was very dynamic, strong, and had great substance to those steps.
- You could've just added a sign to let me know if there was a slow part coming. Nothing large though.
Heavy - 6/10
+ The beginning part was a highlight simply because there were no interruptions, while it just felt like everything was on point.
- I didn't see any concept, and instead I just saw sepeate concepts in different areas of the song.
- If you were going to add those 16th notes that force you to step on them then stop afterwards, I'd suggest to keep the momentum and go full out with more 16th notes if gaps will appear everytime.
Presentation - 2.75/5
- No Read-me.
+ Different images.
- More work onto main graphics.
OVERALL TOTAL : 15/25 = 60%
Lunatic Eyes (Invisible Full Moon)==================================
Light - 1/5
- There's a lot to complain about here. I'm just not in a good mood to talk about them all.
Standard - 2.5/5
+ Again, there were no errors consisting bad placing.
- Look below 3rd point.
- Look below last point.
- If you are going to add those long streams, I'd suggest to take action and use those other parts to add more steps into them just so the pacing of the chart will become a lot more better.
Heavy - 3/10
+ Good positions.. most of the time.
- Oh gee those 24ths went out of nowhere..
- Did not enjoy the first half at all. The fade in was just a bad move, and made everything worse for me already.
- Those ending streams throwed me off.
- Not only that, you continued stepping on till the fade out started to come in, which I do not appreciate at all.
Presentation - 2/5
- Crippled looking graphics.
+ I give you effort for at least including the basic graphics, and a nice toned picture of an anime bunny.
OVERALL TOTAL : 8.5/25 = 34%
MY BOY ======
Light - 4/5
+ Great, just not outstanding.
Standard - 3/5
+ Nice concept.
- The steps just feel somewhat dull for me. Maybe because I feel like fast thumping songs like these are meant to be hard, but I understand why this chart isn't because of its difficulty.
Heavy - 9.5/10
+ Wow, I didn't expect that. Well, sort of .. Since Hello! files obviously seems to manage to do fine over the course of me playing them.
- Maybe some more jumps would've excited me more, but I dunno. The chart seems fine to me.
Presentation - 4.75/5
+ The ONLY animated banner. (Which trust me, takes a lot of time to do while using on my computer :S)
+ Descriptive Read-Me
+ Doubles.
+ Music Video
- 'My Boy' needs a better looking font (or at least needs to be sized up a bit), but I know you were trying to aim for those typical stylish Hello! graphics.
OVERALL TOTAL : 21.25/25 = 85%
RELEASE ME==========
My precious..
S.P.A.M. ========
Light - 3/5
+ Good concept, well suited steps.
- I'm not a fan of spins..
Standard - 2.5/5
- Meh.
Heavy - 8/10
- Spins, argghh.
+ Since I felt like you've worked hard on this chart, I am genuinely going to say it was very good. It's very straightforward.. Yeah.
Presentation - 4.75/5
+ Because you've worked yourself with those moving graphics.
+ Added DDR movies.
+ Lots of background images.
- Killer graphics.
OVERALL TOTAL : 18.25/25 = 73%
Son Of Sun ===========
Light - 4.5/5
+ Love it.
Standard - 5/5
+ Very DDR orientated. Nicely done.
Heavy - 8.5/10
+ This really works great if it was an official DDR chart. It could even fancy the crap out of crossover psycho Arrabiattaa (or whatever the heck you spell it).
+ It focused on one main thing, which were the crossovers. This shows a great sign to me because I like how I know what to expect in a certain file.
- Insanely repetitive, but I understand why it is.
Presentation - 4.5/5
+ Music video
+ Alt. Graphics.
+ Squeaky clean gfx.
OVERALL TOTAL : 22.5/25 = 90%
Super Driver ============
Light - 4/5
+ Neat.
Standard - 3/5
+ Plesant.
- Needs more "umph" into the steps.
Heavy - 6.75/10
+ Bars 1 to 25 were great (excluding those chaos steps because... they went out of nowhere)
- It went good until I felt you started to get lazy afterwards by altering streams with crazy161616161616ths.
Presentation - 4.75/5
+ Simple graphics, yet it works.
+ Music video
+ Longest read-me ever. I know its descriptive, so I don't need to know if those facts were false,
OVERALL TOTAL : 18.5/25 = 74%
You Can't Beat Airman =====================
Light - 4.5/5
+ Great. Even the 8ths gathered along well with the chart.
- You should've changed Bar 62 something else other than a long freeze while the song is still hyped and still going.
Standard - 4/5
+ Solid.
- Those freezes weren't really helping how great it could be. Maybe it'll work better if you used more jumps, and less of those.
Heavy - 9.25/10
+ Everything was on point. Glad there weren't any errors.
Presentation - 2.5/5
- Stylize those graphics more.
+ Everything included, except read-me.
OVERALL TOTAL : 20.25/25 = 81%