If I really like a song, or I think the steps could be improved, I just go the easy way and make an edit chart. Since my simfile career started
waaaay back when, creating DDR edit charts on my PS2 long before I had even heard of Stepmania, I'm used to making edit charts as a way of adding my own spin to a song. And trust me, without DDR's trusty edit mode, I would be miles away from the skill level I am at now at making steps. For some reason, I just loved the song BOSS ON PARADE and made an edit chart for it because it's so ZOMG UH-MAZIN!
If anyone's interested, I could upload the chart as something that would pop-up on a explore window or something (not like anyone would be dying for yet another DJ Sharpnel edit
). You know, the thing they use in the BMS DB where you can view all the charts of the sim before you download it? I forget what it's called...