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Bracket 1 - Discussion

Sat Aug 25, 2007 10:47 am
by BLueSS
Song List: 25 Songs
9000 Remix (Gotcha Mix)
All the People in the World
Carmelldansen (Speedycake Mix)
Dance In My Blood
断罪の花~Guilty Sky~ (Danzai no Hana)
Dark Blue
Elysium (S&B Mix)
Hanafubuki ~Kou ni Tayutau Ai no Uta~
je t'aime je t'aime
The Eleventh Hour (Clockwork Revelations)
Time (Wideboys Club Remix)
Yamato Nadeshiko (Maxxx400 Infinity Style)
t Smidje
Few Reminders:
-Don't forget this is all anonymous. Try to keep from giving hints on what file is yours.
-You have plenty of time to do a PR, so maybe wait until you've played both brackets, or adjust as needed.
-To pass onto the next round you need to be in the top 50% of your bracket from the judges' scores.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 11:55 am
by tammie
Some things...
There's 16 8-foot files.
Yamato Nadeshiko seems to have the steps and pauses off by a few beats.
The readme for Inferno says that heavy is the only important chart.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:01 pm
by the_ditz
Vodka is ace! Love the custom video and the steps were mega-fun. That's sailing through to the next round easily!
Caramelldansen was cute - a little short, but fun and bubbly. All The People In The World disappointed me slightly as there was much more that could have been done, but it's still an awesome song.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:02 pm
by CoreyBlaze
First impressions:
Simulator used-DWI (some songs didn't appeared due to lacking a .dwi file, will play the pack again on SM later to see if there are any important differences with the played ones, and to play the ones that I couldn't. Also important, I have videos disabled in my ddr sims since they bring the FPS down A LOT.)
NICE pack overall. Quick points:
-The Eleventh Hour was surprisingly good.
-I was very impressed with Wish's overall quality, but will it succeed with only a 5-foot Expert chart?
-Cafe Cafe was pretty tight. Nice graphics, I'm not too fond of Vivian's voice, but the file was solid overall.
-I almost fell asleep playing Nanorisk. Should have stayed in dj max!
-...unlike Good bye. THANK YOU for bringing this to the ddr realm and with AMAZING results!
-Inferno is a SERIOUS contender for 1st place so far. What an amazing simfile, superb song, pretty graphics. Would play again A+.
-All the people in the world was very well done.
-Over 9000: lol. Not taken seriously.
Expect detailed reviews by the end of the week.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:09 pm
by TakeWalker
I dunno when I'll get a chance to play any of these (today was my only day off for the next week), but I hope to at least PR the Heavy charts.
I'm really looking forward to playing these, though!

Sat Aug 25, 2007 4:34 pm
by hellrazor
The Eleventh Hour was suprisingly horrible, welcome to hell where BPM's are quadrupled and off-sync.
In fact all of the boss songs were pretty bad IMO (don't worry I'm not a judge, just a financier, and my opinion counts for nothing).
Dark Blue was off-sync, lol @ the readme, I've never tried this DDReamstudio but I've lost all respect for the program already.
Q: The slowdown at the ending is waaaaay off!
A: Trust me, it's not.
Lol, so if I trust you then it somehow becomes on-sync. Trust me, it's waaaaay off, in fact don't trust me, trust the assist tick (F7).
But there are some very worthy entries in this bracket, Vodka is just killer (excellent steps, readme, song, and of course video, it's extremely creative) and I think I can pick out Rage and Dark Luke's entries, but the video isn't 356x240 so I don't know, did Rage join?

Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:06 pm
by alphabet55
I'm evil. I laugh at other languages just because they sound funny. Especially whatever language 't Smidje was sung in. That language made me laugh so hard, I almost couldn't finish the song.
Actually, it's possible I was already giddy from laughing at Vodka. Whoever made that video was a genius.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 5:29 pm
by Raf
Lots of good contenders so far... This might get interesting.

Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:24 pm
by lrxevan
hellrazor wrote:The Eleventh Hour was suprisingly horrible, welcome to hell where BPM's are quadrupled and off-sync.
In fact all of the boss songs were pretty bad IMO (don't worry I'm not a judge, just a financier, and my opinion counts for nothing).
Dark Blue was off-sync, lol @ the readme, I've never tried this DDReamstudio but I've lost all respect for the program already.
Q: The slowdown at the ending is waaaaay off!
A: Trust me, it's not.
Lol, so if I trust you then it somehow becomes on-sync. Trust me, it's waaaaay off, in fact don't trust me, trust the assist tick (F7).
But there are some very worthy entries in this bracket, Vodka is just killer (excellent steps, readme, song, and of course video, it's extremely creative) and I think I can pick out Rage and Dark Luke's entries, but the video isn't 356x240 so I don't know, did Rage join?
Hey baby, wanna come over?

Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:10 am
by Rainbow
Just played the whole pack. Personal favorites this far are: Vodka, Goodbye, Wish and Nettaiya. Also, 't Smidje is just scary, as I exactly understand those lyrics and such (it amazes me more that whoever did this got them all correct). Honorable mentions (well, sort of...) go to 9000 Remix (self-explanatory) and She Blinded Me With Science (that elephant is <3).

Sun Aug 26, 2007 5:48 am
by the_ditz
I'm a bit surprised that Rob0096 in his public review seemed to think All The People In The World's BPM change was unnecessary. Just listen to the change in speed of the beat (although it is a bit of a grey area whether the faster BPM should actually start to apply from the beat drop).

Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:43 am
by Super_Ray
the_ditz wrote:I'm a bit surprised that Rob0096 in his public review seemed to think All The People In The World's BPM change was unnecessary. Just listen to the change in speed of the beat (although it is a bit of a grey area whether the faster BPM should actually start to apply from the beat drop).
I would have to agree with you there. You can totally hear the song "speed up".

Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:50 am
by Snapps
How the hell did Boss on Parade get it's banner to twitch. That's amazing.

Sun Aug 26, 2007 9:55 am
by jammitch!
First file I saw with this was Love Tropicana in OSC 6 (as opposed to the other millions of files of that song). I was unaware it was possible up until that point too... but it was actually explicitly mentioned in the rules this year.
Personally, I find it annoying, but that could just be a cover for me doing the file, you'll never know (well, not for a few weeks).

Sun Aug 26, 2007 12:39 pm
by Rob00996
Super_Ray wrote:the_ditz wrote:I'm a bit surprised that Rob0096 in his public review seemed to think All The People In The World's BPM change was unnecessary. Just listen to the change in speed of the beat (although it is a bit of a grey area whether the faster BPM should actually start to apply from the beat drop).
I would have to agree with you there. You can totally hear the song "speed up".
It still felt a little wierd for me. But if anyone else agrees with you guys, I will gladly bring back the points I took off for that. And try not to be as harsh as I was towards BPM changes.