Entry: ‘ε˜a•Žq° (`MAXXX400‡STYLE`) / ¬β‚θ‚δ Presentation - 12 / 20 All the graphics used were fairly simple, but they certainly had that "Boss Stage" feel, with a sense of impending doom. They worked quite well with each other, and were also quite pleasant to look at (thought they were related more to the MAXX400 part of the song, and not necessarily the ‘ε˜a•Žq° part). Good job. There are Doubles steps included in this simfile, but given the execution of the singles charts alone, one would already be rather turned off due to the over-all step quality. And after having played the Doubles charts themselves, quite disappointing-- they just don't feel like Doubles at all-- too step-dense, and too "move-y". You should try to cut down on the steps, and try to experiment with how you'll be using the entire set of 8 panels. Steps (with Oni) Light Chart - 0.3 / 5 Although the song called for intense patterns, keep in mind that this is still a Light chart, and should have some kind of restraint in the steps. Honestly, the chart seemed a bit too much for the difficulty, despite this song being a boss song of sorts. Strangely enough, the steps themselves were very very flat over-all, with the steps sticking to a single, repetitive formula that turned out to be a very long step stream that sometimes breaks from the song completely (example: bar 121). The fact that the chart has a lot of step orientation issues (too leftist) didn't help, either. Needs a lot of work over-all. Standard Chart - 0.5 / 7 Super repetitive, and super uninteresting. Not much going on here-- its really a long, continuous stream of notes that seemed to flow in a super random motion that just doesn't seem to end up going anywhere. The problems with the steps in Light are the same as the problems here in Standard, but they are far more pronounced, especially the steps that just didn't go with the song in any way (bars 91-99, bar 121, for example). Still too lefitst in orientation. Heavy Chart - 1 / 10 Steps felt very awkward for most of the song, and like the easier charts, felt very much like a long stream... in this case, its a bit worse, since I noticed that the chart was extremely repetitive, and didn't quite move very well-- the randomness in the motions was still quite pronounced, and isn't exactly a very good thing indeed. Problems are still the same as Light and Standard, so I won't need to repeat those problems here. A new problem did arise-- some really awkward looking patterns, particularly in the use of some of the jumps, say the ones in the last part of the song. Oni Chart - 0 / 8 Och. One endless stream of 4th-notes and 8th-notes (in 400 BPM). Okay... this certainly satisfied the intensity aspect of the song to some extent, but otherwise, there wasn't really anything going on here. It felt even more random and even more awkward to look at and play. The problems of the easier charts are still here, and are worse than ever, especially the repetitiveness of the steps-- the first part ALONE shows that. Personally, this felt more of a keyboard chart than a pad chart-- yes, its paddable, but it felt more like ITG-paddable than DDR-paddable. Overkill, dude, overkill.