Entry: t'smidje / Lais Presentation - 20 / 20 Simple, but very functional. You used an excellent set of graphics that expressed the medieval theme of the song very well, while having a fairly well-synched lyrics file that compliments the song itself. They worked very well either way, and certainly managed to create a great impression here. Steps (no Oni) Light Chart - 4 / 5 Well-made, had a nice, bouncy feel to the steps, that were very well-balanced in all aspects, which all accented the feel of the song-- there was a nice bounce in the lyrics there-- they really worked well with the steps you used, until we got to the last part, where this goes blank. The way that you used the steps there (stationary jumps) didn't exactly show a lot of energy as compared to the more mobile patterns in the first parts. Either you could have used the steps in the earlier parts, or you could have used mobile versions of those patterns that require one to move about a bit more. So sad-- you were already there-- it was already excellent, and the last part blew it. Standard Chart - 8 / 10 Hmmm... with the techniques used in the stepchart, this would definitely be bumped up a notch-- its more a 6-footer here, considering you used a lot of 12th-note gallops and mobile jumps. This chart was a mixed bag-- some of the patterns worked very well with the song and with each other, particularly the 12th-note gallops, which really complimented the style of the song, and were quite well-placed-- lots of movement here. However, the freezes, which were as common as the gallops, didn't quite fit the song very well-- they broke up the motions that the gallops and jumps established, and didn't exactly do much to compliment the song. The patterns were well-oriented, however, so the only real issue here (as noted) were those freezes. Heavy Chart - 11 / 15 Oh, wow. Reminded me of iFUTURELIST Heavy, which is one of my favorite charts in the later DDR games. Perhaps its my liking of 12th-note gallop charts (of course, for songs where they work), but this chart was very fun (at least for most of it), with the gallops excellently accentuating the style of the song, especially where the vocals really go berserk-- they really felt fun to play. The only real problem here was in bars 42-53, with jumps and 12th-note streams that didn't do much to advance what had already been established. You could have tried to mix some jumps and 12th-note patterns there-- they'd really fit in well, and would be very fun to play if executed right.