Some notes on the reviews: - Please view in Notepad, Courier New 10 pt. Maximized Window, 1024x768. - All reviews were done while shadowdancing using Stepmania 3.9 final. I'm sorry, but there aren't any SM cabs or ITG r21-23 machines near my place anymore. Plus, these reviews were done while making some deadly papers, so it was hard to go out and go nuts on such cabs, if there were still existing ones. - While judging, I used the NewNOVAE and RedNEX themes. For lyrics file testing, I simply use SMMAX, as both of the previous themes have some issues with lyrics (in different ways-- NewNOVAE's font is thin, while RedNEX doesn't "highlight" lyrics-- despite SM not being able to handle LRCs too well, it still helps me with checking the synching of LRCs). - For Presentation, I am judging most of the elements of your chart as a whole (yes, the quality of each element, although this does not mean that pretty graphics = points). The only things I will not consider are the core stepcharts (LSHC), and non-DDR stepcharts. >> I will not mention anything about your cut unless something is problematic.