Entry: je t'aime je t'aime / Tommy february6 Presentation - 15 / 20 A long, draggy cut mixed with a fairly repetitive, relaxed song makes for a slightly boring experience, and might hinder replayability of this simfile. The graphics you used were fairly adequate, and conveyed the mood of the song quite well (while looking quite... sweet). That said, its quite well-presented, except for that draggy cut. Try to shorten it-- it just didn't feel very interesting to listen to after the second minute. Steps (no Oni) Light Chart - 0.5 / 5 Uninteresting... a long 4th-note stream that seems to drag on for the entire chart, with barely any spaces and variations. Honestly, it didn't fit the song in any way-- it was just a long march that didn't really accomplish anything at all. There was one part where you managed to do something right-- around bars 41-44, where you made use of the breakdown in the song to create a rest portion (strangely enough, you didn't try to use that kind of technique in the rest of the chart). You should try to use some spaces and variations to make the steps match the song (this is a relaxed, sappy love song(?)... I doubt it requires a never-ending stream). Standard Chart - 2.5 / 10 Compared to the Light chart, this one seems to be heading towards the right direction. Its not overly step dense, and in most cases, its just about right for the song and the difficulty. However, the problems with this chart are still fairly similar to the ones in the Light chart. At times, the steps didn't seem to be going anywhere (they followed the sounds too well), particularly in the parts leading up to the chorus (there didn't seem to be any build-up in the steps, which could have been a better experience than a repetitive set of patterns), although they redeemed themselves in places like bars 41-44, where we see a good transition from the first half of the chart to the second half. My suggestion for this chart is simple-- ease up on the steps; try to space things out, and some new step variants to the mix (some fun freeze techniques would be good-- they fit the song very well; the chart was very repetitive). Heavy Chart - 0.5 / 15 Overkill. A seemingly never-ending stream of 4th-note, 8th-note and 16th-note patterns that didn't do much to show what the song was all about-- it just felt highly mechanical, just a bunch of random steps that changed pattern styles super-often, and without any logic to them. Seriously, you should have cut down on those jump patterns and 16th-note patterns-- the song isn't exactly hyperactive. Try to control the steps-- look for other step techniques that could do the song proud. A bunch of ugly-looking forced doublesteps didn't help out the chart, either (note: UGLY doublesteps that do not fit the song in any way... I doubt these were deliberate)-- they're everywhere in the chart.